Experts Meeting Workshop on Tsunami Modeling and Mitigation
ICG CARIBE EWS WG2 Experts Meeting Tsunami Hazard
01 - 03 December 2014
Cartagena de Indias, ,
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
The Working Group 2 of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (ICG/CARIBE EWS) of the United National Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO) Inter- governmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), and the Direccion General Maritima de la Armada de Colombia (DIMAR) are hosting the Experts Meeting Workshop on Tsunami Modeling and Mitigation. Given the recent catastrophic earthquakes and tsunamis in Haiti, Chile and Japan, the Caribbean region must be prepared in case a tsunami occurs and affect coastal population, infrastructure and adversely disrupt the economy of the region. In order to develop a strategy to homogenize the procedures for the creation of evacuation maps applicable to the Caribbean region, a group of experts will meet to discuss the current state of knowledge of Caribbean tectonics and seismology, tsunami numerical modelling and their validations, evacuation strategies, and real-time forecasting of tsunami effects.

[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
ICG/CARIBE-EWS/WG2-THA/3 | Workshop on tsunami modelling and mitigation | 18/03/2015 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
IOC/2013/WR/255 | Earthquake and tsunami hazard in Northern Haiti: historical events and potential sources | 21/01/2014 |
There are 16 participants associated with Experts Meeting Workshop on Tsunami Modeling and Mitigation , 1 of whom is provisional .
Name | Country |
ALVAREZ Eddie | Colombia |
ARCAS Diego | United States of America |
AUDEMARD Franck A. | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) |
CHACON BARRANTES Silvia | Costa Rica |
COULET Christophe | France |
FRITZ Hermann | United States of America |
HUERFANO Victor | Puerto Rico |
LOPEZ VENEGAS Alberto Manuel | United States of America |
MACIAS Jorge | Spain |
RODRIGUEZ Carlos | Dominican Republic |
SALGADO MESA Julian Alejandro | Colombia |
SANCHEZ ESCOBAR Ronald Efren | Colombia |
SAUREL Jean-Marie | France |
VON HILLEBRANDT-ANDRADE Christa | United States of America |
ZAHIBO Narcisse | Guadeloupe |
= Person has not yet confirmed their participation.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 16
Confirmed: 15
Not confirmed: 1
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 20:04 on 10 Nov 2014 by Bernardo Aliaga Rossel
Last Updated at 15:01 on 24 Apr 2024 by Sofie de Baenst