First DBCP Pacific Islands Training Workshop on Ocean Observations and Data Applications
04 - 07 May 2015
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.

The Pacific Islands are a region of “Large Ocean States” in which 98% of the region is ocean, and the majority of the land area is part of Papa New Guinea. The ocean is essential to Pacific Islander’s way of life, yet there is limited knowledge of the oceans in region, and limited skill in using ocean data. Currently there is a growing awareness of the importance of the oceans, highlighted most recently at the 3rd UN SIDS conference in Samoa. Oceanographic capacity is limited within the Pacific Islands region, and generally resides within local meteorological services. However, there is a strong interest in increasing capacity to collect, analyze, and communicate oceanographic data across a number of sectors such as meteorology and climate services, fisheries, marine trade, and tourism. Increasing capacity in these sectors will increase the livelihoods of Pacific Islanders, and will allow them to more effectively engage in the global ocean community. THEMES OF THE PI-1 WORKSHOP: • Increase awareness of ocean processes, ocean observing, and data applications, • Conceptualization of a Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System, GOALS OF THE PI-1 WORKSHOP: • Begin to build capacity within the region to apply ocean observing data for enhanced predictive capability; • Demonstrate the role of ocean observations for understanding and predicting regional weather, ocean state and climatology; • Demonstrate the societal and economic benefits of delivering enhanced ocean observing system data for better informed decisions; • Increase awareness of the importance of the ocean, scientific understanding and traditional knowledge, and how marine processes affect the lives of Pacific Islanders; • Discuss the potential impacts of climate change on oceans; • Learn practical implementation aspects of ocean observing systems; • Explore the importance of marine modelling; • Evaluate data gaps within the region and how they can be addressed; • Encourage cooperation with and support for existing monitoring programmes such as the Argo programme and the Global Drifter Program; and • Advance the design, coordination of a Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System. THEME OF EACH DAY: • Day 1: VIP Opening Remarks, Social-Economic Benefits from Ocean Observations and Models, National Reports to include Ocean Observing Requirements • Day 2: Societal Applications of Observations and Models • Day 3: How to Access Available Regional: Ocean Observations Data, Ocean Models for Predicting Weather, Ocean State and Climatology • Day 4: Observational Requirements of Models to Enhance Their Predictive Capability, Data Gaps, Conceptualization of a Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Hotel application form | 16/04/2015 |
PI-1 Final Agenda | 04/05/2015 |
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Created at 09:35 on 18 Dec 2014 by Etienne Charpentier
Last Updated at 16:54 on 29 Apr 2021 by Long Jiang