JCOMM Training Workshop on Marine Instrumentation for the Regional Association IV
29 February - 02 March 2016
Gulfport, Mississippi,
United States
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
The RMIC/RA-IV organized a JCOMM marine instrument workshop for RA-IV with focus on wave measurements from moored buoys, in Gulfport, Mississippi, USA, from 29 February to 2 March 2016. The objectives of the workshop were to: (i) enhance the Members/Member States capability with regard to laboratory inter-comparison; (ii) facilitate the calibration and maintenance of marine instruments (wave observations in particular); (iii) improve the data quality control of marine observations; and (iv) establish an information sharing platform. The RMIC 2016 webpage now has the QARTOD (QC) manual available along with all of the briefings, attendee list, photos and videos of several presentations. The page is http://www.rmiciv.com

[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
RMIC-RA-IV-2 | Recommendations of the Second JCOMM Marine Instrument Workshop for the WMO Regional Association IV with Focus on Wave Measurements from Moored Buoys | 11/05/2016 |
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Created at 11:13 on 24 Jan 2016 by Long Jiang
Last Updated at 10:31 on 11 May 2016 by Long Jiang