Thirty Second Session of DBCP
17 - 21 October 2016
La Jolla,
United States
Organiser(s) & Staff
Open attendance.
The first day of the session will be held in SCRIPPS SEASIDE FORUM (Building 8610 on map, Local Info Document) A Registration Desk will be open before the meeting from 8:00-9:00 on Monday and Tuesday. A registration packet and updated meeting information will be available. Attention: The DBCP Social Dinner sponsored by the Director Office of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography SEASIDE FORUM (Building 8610 on map), has been rescheduled to Wednesday 19 Oct. 19:00 - 21:30. All participants are urged to register for the meeting as soon as possible, so that we may complete planning. Registration for this meeting is open to all appropriately qualified persons. The self registration link is not working as smoothly as usual due to software upgrading this summer. If you have any trouble registering please email one of the meeting staff and we will help you. Please anticipate your visa needs and again, let the staff know if they may be of assistance.
Information on local accommadations and other information for LaJolla/Scripps is now available: Local Info Document
Local organizers strongly encourage participants to stay in La Jolla Shores Hotel . Make your reservations early! A specially priced block of rooms is being held until September 23, 2016. The rate is $169.00 per night plus tax for the Garden View Hotel room. Reservations: Online: Please click “Edit” below Guests, then click the “Optional Fields”. You will find the Group code section and can enter group code DBCP32. Rooms are blocked from the night of October 12 to October 26. If you need to reserve the room outside date range, please contact with Tomomi Ushii ( She will help you to arrange your hotel reservation. Please kindly make your reservations before 16 Sept. 2016, and cite the group code "DBCP-32" when doing so.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
JCOMM-MR-129, DBCP-32-final-report | DBCP-32 Final Session Report (revised Dec. 2017) | 04/12/2017 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
1 | DBCP-32-INF.2 Time Table | DBCP-32 Provisional Time Table | 17/10/16 |
10.1 | DBCP-32-Doc.10.1 Informatioin Exchange | DBCP-32 Information Exchange | 19/09/16 |
10.2 | DBCP-32-Doc. 10.2 Vandalism | DBCP-32 Vandalism on Moored Buoys | 22/08/16 |
11.1 | DBCP-32-Doc.11.1 Report Satcom | DBCP-32 Report on Satcom Forum 2016 | 12/10/16 |
12.1 | DBCP-32-Doc.12.1 JCOMM JCOMMOPS | DBCP-32 JCOMM and JCOMMOPS Activities and Management | 19/09/16 |
12.2 | DBCP-32-Doc.12.2 Report WMO IOC gov body | DBCP-32 Report on Decisions of WMO and IOC Governing Bodies | 15/10/16 |
12.3 | DBCP-32-Doc.12.3 User Requirements | DBCP-32 User Requirements | 13/10/16 |
12.4 | DBCP-32-Doc.12.4 WIGOS | DBCP-32 WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) | 13/10/16 |
13.3 | DBCP-32-Doc.13.3 DBCP Implementation Strategy | DBCP-32 Proposed updated version of the DBCP Implementation Strategy | 15/10/16 |
13.4 | DBCP-32-Doc.13.4 Draft Oper Principles | DBCP-32 Draft Operating Principles of the Data Buoy Co-operation Panel | 15/10/16 |
13.5 | DBCP-32-Doc.13.5 Action Items | DBCP-32 Review of Action Items from the Previous DBCP Session | 19/10/16 |
16 | DBCP-32-Doc.14 National Reports | DBCP-32 National Reports | 17/10/16 |
2 | DBCP-32-INF.5 Sci Tech Workshop Announcment | DBCP-32 Scientific and Technical Workshop Announcement | 06/08/16 |
2 | DBCP-32-INF.6 Sci Tech Workshop Programme | DBCP-32 Scientific and Technical Workshop Programme | 06/08/16 |
2 | DBCP-32-Doc.2 Sci & Tech Abstracts | DBCP-32 Scientific and Technical Workshop Abstracts | 06/08/16 |
3.1 | DBCP-32-Doc.3.1(1) | Provisional Agenda DBCP-32 | 21/09/16 |
3.1 | DBCP-32-Doc.3.1(2) | Provisional Annotated Agenda DBCP-32 | 21/09/16 |
4 | DBCP-32-Doc.4 Report of the DBCP chairs | DBCP-32 Report by the Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons and the Executive Board | 29/09/16 |
5 | DBCP-32-Doc.4 Report of the Technical Coordinator | DBCP-32 Report by the Technical Coordinator | 23/09/16 |
6 | DBCP-32-Ref ITP standards guidelines | Tsunameter Equipment Performance Standards and Guidelines | 05/09/16 |
6 | DBCP-32 Doc.6 Action Group Reports | DBCP-32 Action Group Reports | 15/10/16 |
7.1 | DBCP-32-Doc.7.1 TT-IBP | DBCP-32 Report by the Task Team on Instrument Best Practices and Drifter Technology Development (TT-IBPD) | 15/10/16 |
7.2 | DBCP-32-Doc.7.2 TT-MB | DBCP-32 Report Task Team on Moored Buoys | 14/09/16 |
7.3 | DBCP-32-Doc.7.3 TT-CB | DBCP-32 Report TT Capacity Development | 15/10/16 |
8.1 | DBCP-32-Doc.8.1 PP-WET | DBCP-32 Report on PP-WET and Related Wave Issues | 28/09/16 |
8.2 | DBCP-32-Doc.8.2 Pilot Project Proposals | DBCP-32 Pilot Project Proposals | 15/10/16 |
8.2.2 | DBCP-32-Ref SST | Scientific and Technical Workshop on Traceability of Drifter SST Measurements | 15/10/16 |
8.2.2 | DBCP-32-Ref Report on SST : Scientific and Technical Workshop on Traceability of Drifter SST Measurements | A scientific and technical workshop on traceability of drifter SST measurements | 18/10/16 |
8.2.2 | DBCP-32-Doc.8.2.2 Report on HRSST | DBCP-32 Text for inclusion in Report on HRSST TT | 19/10/16 |
9.1 | DBCP-32 Doc.9.1 TT-DM | DBCP-32 Task Team on Data Management | 28/09/16 |
9.2 | DBCP-32-Doc.4 Timeliness | DBCP-32 GTS Data Buoy Reports Timeliness | 23/09/16 |
9.3 | DBCP-32-Doc.9.3 MCDS GDACS | DBCP-32 Buoy Data Management Centres | 21/10/16 |
9.4 | DBCP-32-Doc.9.4 Data Integration | DBCP-32 Data Integration | 04/10/16 |
9.5 | DBCP-32-Doc.9.5 | DBCP-32 METADATA | 15/10/16 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
6 | DBCP-32-Ref ITP standards guidelines | Tsunameter Equipment Performance Standards and Guidelines | 05/09/2016 |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
DBCP-32-INF.7-format-nat-reports | Format of the national reports | 16/06/2016 |
DBCP-32-INF.8-AG-Reports-template | Template for the reports of the Action Group | 16/06/2016 |
DBCP-32-INF.1 | DBCP-32 Provisional Documentation Plan | 16/09/2016 |
DBCP-32-Ref SST | Scientific and Technical Workshop on Traceability of Drifter SST Measurements | 15/10/2016 |
DBCP-32-INF.4 | Local Travel Information LaJolla-Scripps | 11/08/2016 |
DBCP-32-INF.5 Sci Tech Workshop Announcment | DBCP-32 Scientific and Technical Workshop Announcement | 06/08/2016 |
DBCP-32-INF.2 Time Table | DBCP-32 Provisional Time Table | 17/10/2016 |
DBCP-32-Ref SST local info | Local Info for Scientific and Technical Workshop on Traceability of Drifter SST Measurements | 22/08/2016 |
There are 99 participants associated with Thirty Second Session of DBCP , 5 of whom are provisional .
Name | Country |
CHANG SENG Denis | France |
CHARPENTIER Etienne | Switzerland |
GALLAGE Champika | Switzerland |
MCARTHUR Shannon | United States of America |
STANDER Johan | Switzerland |
THURSTON Sidney W. | United States of America |
TURTON Jonathan | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
YU Ting | China |
Name | Country |
TROISI Ariel | Argentina |
KELLY-GERREYN Boris | Australia |
MACPHERSON Emily | Canada |
YANG JinKun | China |
SUN Zhaobin | China |
JIANG Fan | China |
ZHANG Fan | China |
YONG Lei | China |
POLI Paul | France |
HERKLOTZ Kai | Germany |
SINGH Dharmendra | India |
OCAMPO TORRES Francisco | Mexico |
BANNISTER Ross | New Zealand |
NUBI Olubunmi | Nigeria |
UNYIMADU John Paul | Nigeria |
FALILU Adekunbi | Nigeria |
GRADOS Carmen | Peru |
KIM Young Taeg | Republic of Korea |
EOM Hyunmin | Republic of Korea |
YUN Juho | Republic of Korea |
PARK Myungwon | Republic of Korea |
DOLK Shaun R | United States of America |
LOCKLEAR Eric R | United States of America |
LUMPKIN Rick | United States of America |
THOMAS Julie | United States of America |
VALDES Erik | United States of America |
LEGLER David | United States of America |
LEWIS Jennifer | United States of America |
PORTMANN Helmut | United States of America |
RUSHING Christopher Kyle | United States of America |
ROGERSON Scott | United States of America |
CUCULLU Stephen | United States of America |
SWAYKOS Joe | United States of America |
BRAASCH Lancelot | United States of America |
HORMANN Verena | United States of America |
OLFE Corey | United States of America |
PEREZ Renellys | United States of America |
CUFF Thomas | United States of America |
TOON Rory | United States of America |
CHAMBERS Lee | United States of America |
Name | Country |
AMOLLO Joseph Odhiambo | Kenya |
BEST Christine | Canada |
CIONE Jospeh | United States of America |
COLE Rick | United States of America |
CONNELL Kenneth | United States of America |
EMZIVAT Gilbert | France |
GONI Gustavo J. | United States of America |
HAAS Christian | Germany |
HEIL Petra | Australia |
HESSER Tyler | United States of America |
JENSEN Robert | United States of America |
MARSHALL Chris | Canada |
MEINIG Christian | United States of America |
MELDRUM David | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
MORRISON John | United States of America |
NAIR Balakrishnan | India |
O'BRIEN Kevin | United States of America |
O'CARROLL Anne | Germany |
OUELLET Mathieu | Canada |
PAIGE Kelli | United States of America |
PAZOS Mayra | United States of America |
PETOLAS Bernie | Canada |
POULAIN Pierre-Marie | Italy |
RIGOR Ignatius | United States of America |
SANTOS Luis | Brazil |
SWAIL Val | Canada |
WALLACE Al | Canada |
WINGENROTH Jeffrey | United States of America |
Name | Country |
CENTURIONI Luca | United States of America |
Name | Country |
BELBEOCH Mathieu | Switzerland |
GROSS Thomas | United States of America |
Name | Country |
BERNARD Yann | France |
CRANDLE Timothy | United States of America |
DONLON Craig | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) |
LAWSON Robert | United States of America |
MONTGOMERY Glen | United States of America |
ORTIZ Paul | United States of America |
OWEN, CPA Seema | United States of America |
PATERSON Arthur | United States of America |
PHILLIPS Joseph | United States of America |
SEND Uwe | United States of America |
SYBRANDY Andy | United States of America |
VELASCO Alex | Canada |
WELLER Robert | United States of America |
Name | Country |
BEHRENS James | United States of America |
CROLL Brittany | United States of America |
DOMINGUES Ricardo | United States of America |
LE GARREC Marc | France |
MEDEIROS Laura | Canada |
MONTEIRO Fernando | Brazil |
RIAMA Nelly | Indonesia |
YATES Ted | United States of America |
= Person has not yet confirmed their participation.
= Person has applied to participate but has not yet been approved.
= Person has declined to participate or had their request to participate declined.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 101
Confirmed: 86
Not confirmed: 5
Unapproved: 8
Not-participating: 2
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 11:19 on 24 Jan 2016 by Long Jiang
Last Updated at 16:56 on 29 Mar 2021 by Long Jiang