Experts Meeting on Sources of tsunamis in the Caribbean with possibility to impact the southern coast of the Dominican Republic
Tsunami Hazard in Southern Dominican Republic
06 - 07 May 2016
Sala A, cuarto piso, ala este de la Biblioteca Pedro Mir
Ciudad Universitaria
Santo Domingo
Dominican Republic
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
Although parts of the southern coast of the Dominican Republic have been affected by tsunamis, as Azua in 1751 and Pedernales in 2010, the sources of these tsunamis has not been clearly identified, nor is it clear which are the sources of tsunamis in the Caribbean region with enough potential to impact southern areas of Dominican Republic. Tsunami preparedness is under development in Dominican Republic: tsunami Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) have been developed by the main agencies in charge of warning and emergency management, seismic monitoring and seismic data sharing has improved, as well as deployment of tidal gauges. The aim of this meeting, jointly organised by the Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo (UASD) and UNESCO’s IOC, is to identify credible seismic sources in the Caribbean with enough potential to produce tsunamis that may affect the south coast of the Dominican Republic. We thanks the European Union for providing support through the project \"Life-Saving Actions: Disaster preparedness and seismic and tsunami risk reduction in the south coast of San Cristóbal province, Dominican Republic» managed by UNDP Dominican Republic, UNESCO and the Assembly of Cooperation for Peace (ACPP).
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
WR 276 | Sources of Tsunamis in the Caribbean with Possibility to Impact the Southern Coast of the Dominican Republic, expert meeting | 10/05/2019 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
09:40 | Objetivos de la reunión de expertos_Bernardo Aliaga | 07/05/2016 |
10:20 | Present-day tectonics and hazard in the northeastern Caribbean from GPS_Dr. Eric Calais | 07/05/2016 |
11:15 | Seismotectonics of the Enriquillo Fault System_Dr Newdeskarl SaintFleur | 07/05/2016 |
11:45 | Characterisation tsunami waves associated with 4 august 1946 DR_Dr Hermann Fritz | 07/05/2016 |
12:15 | Tsunamis, posible influencia en las edificaciones y reglamento sísmico_Ing Reyes Madera | 07/05/2016 |
14:30 | Resultados Modelación tsunamis costa sur República Dominicana_M Llorente J Macias | 07/05/2016 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
09:40 | Nota_Conceptual_Reunion de Expertos_Tsunamis | 29/04/16 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
TS-125 | Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. 2015. Exercise Caribe Wave 16. A Caribbean and Northwestern Atlantic Tsunami Warning Exercise, 17 March 2016 (Venezuela and Northern Hispaniola Scenarios). Volume 1: Participant Handbook. IOC Technical Series No. 125 vol.1. | 24/10/2017 |
IOC/2013/WR/255 | Earthquake and tsunami hazard in Northern Haiti: historical events and potential sources | 21/01/2014 |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Reunión de Expertos_Agenda | 05/05/2016 |
There are 46 participants associated with Experts Meeting on Sources of tsunamis in the Caribbean with possibility to impact the southern coast of the Dominican Republic .
Name | Country |
ACOSTA Roger | Dominican Republic |
CALAIS Eric | France |
FELIZ Nino | Dominican Republic |
FRITZ Hermann | United States of America |
LLORENTE ISIDRO Miguel | Spain |
LOPEZ VENEGAS Alberto Manuel | United States of America |
MACIAS Jorge | Spain |
MERMET Luciana | Dominican Republic |
POLANCO RIVERA Eugenio | Sri Lanka |
REYES MADERA Leonardo | Mexico |
SAINT FLEUR Newdeskarl | France |
Name | Country |
ALIAGA ROSSEL Bernardo | France |
CHALAS Juan | Argentina |
CRUZ RODRIGUEZ David | Dominican Republic |
DE JESÚS Indhira | Colombia |
DE LA CRUZ Carlos | Chile |
DESCHAMPS Amelia | Dominican Republic |
DOMINGUEZ Elvin | Dominican Republic |
DORREJO Erick | Dominican Republic |
DUQUE Paula | Dominican Republic |
EUGENIA MORALES Maria | Dominican Republic |
FABIAN ESPINAL Heriberto | Dominican Republic |
FELIZ Eufemio | Dominican Republic |
GIRALDO Marco Antonio | Costa Rica |
LEDESMA Bolivar | Dominican Republic |
LEONEL Jottin | Dominican Republic |
LYNCH Lloyd | Trinidad and Tobago |
MARTÍNEZ Felix | Dominican Republic |
MARTINEZ DEL CERRO Magdalena | Dominican Republic |
MATOS VARGAS Elieser | Dominican Republic |
MORETA Andres | Dominican Republic |
MUÑOZ TAPIA Santiago Jose | Dominican Republic |
OLIVARES Erdwin | Dominican Republic |
PENA LANTIGUA Luis Ramon | Dominican Republic |
PEREZ CASTANO Ana Maria | Dominican Republic |
PUJOLS Zaira | Dominican Republic |
RATHE Laura | Dominican Republic |
RIVERA ESTEVEZ Wagner E. | Dominican Republic |
RODRIGUEZ Carlos | Dominican Republic |
RODRIGUEZ Bernardo | Dominican Republic |
SANCHEZ Mayra | Cuba |
TEJADA Sergio | Cuba |
UREÑA Julissa | Dominican Republic |
VANDERHORST Neris | Dominican Republic |
VENTURA Iris | Argentina |
ZAPATA Kirsis | Dominican Republic |
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 46
Confirmed: 46
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 02:34 on 07 Apr 2016 by Bernardo Aliaga Rossel
Last Updated at 12:32 on 26 Jul 2017 by Bernardo Aliaga Rossel