13th session of the JCOMM Management Committee
18 - 21 January 2017
World Meteorological Organization
Case Postale 2300
CH-1211 Geneva
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
JCOMM_MAN13 PPT - JCOMM Fisheries TT | 19/01/2017 |
JCOMM_MAN13 PPT - DRR_Hainsworth | 20/01/2017 |
JCOMM_MAN13 PPT - JCOMM Fisheries Proposal for RFMOs | 20/01/2017 |
JCOMM_MAN13 PPT - WWRP_SeamlessYOPP_Ruti | 21/01/2017 |
JCOMM_MAN13 PPT - Stakeholder Survey_Fischer | 31/01/2017 |
2.1 | JCOMM_MAN13 PPT - Co_PresPinardi | 19/01/2017 |
2.1 | JCOMM_MAN13 PPT - Co_PresStander | 18/01/2017 |
3.1.1 | JCOMM_MAN13 PPT - SFSPA_Ashton | 18/01/2017 |
| | JCOMM_MAN13 PPT - OPA_Turton_Legler | 23/01/2017 |
| | JCOMM_MAN13 PPT - IIOE2_Fischer | 19/01/2017 |
| | JCOMM_MAN13 PPT - TPOS_Smith | 20/01/2017 |
3.1.3 | JCOMM_MAN13 PPT - DMPA_Iona | 20/01/2017 |
3.2.1 | JCOMM_MAN13 PPT - TT-MOWIS_Buch_Merrouchi | 20/01/2017 |
3.2.3 | JCOMM_MAN13 PPT - Capacity Development_Mungai | 20/01/2017 |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
JCOMM MAN-13 Agenda | 17/01/2017 |
Provisional Timetable | 18/01/2017 |
Draft JCOMM MAN13 Report 20Jan2017 | 20/01/2017 |
JCOMM V Proposed Agenda 20Jan2017 | 20/01/2017 |
JCOMM V Responsibilities Timeline | 20/01/2017 |
Marine Teco JCOMMV Draft20Jan | 20/01/2017 |
There are 10 participants associated with 13th session of the JCOMM Management Committee , 1 of whom is provisional .
Name | Country |
ASHTON Nick | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
BUCH Erik | Belgium |
HESLOP Emma | Spain |
HORSBURGH Kevin | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
IONA Athanasia | Greece |
LEGLER David | United States of America |
MERROUCHI Rabia | Morocco |
MOLTMANN Tim | Australia |
MUNGAI John | Kenya |
PINARDI Nadia | Italy |
SMOLYANITSKY Vasily | Russian Federation |
STANDER Johan | Switzerland |
TURTON Jonathan | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
= Person has not yet confirmed their participation.
= Person has declined to participate or had their request to participate declined.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 13
Confirmed: 9
Not confirmed: 1
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 3
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 10:52 on 13 May 2016 by Albert Fischer
Last Updated at 16:41 on 28 Feb 2017 by Champika Gallage