Research Data Management
OTGA/KMFRI Training Course
Training Course
03 - 07 July 2017
Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Headquater & Mombasa StationPO Box 81651
Organizer & Staff
Attendance by application.
Summary The collection and organization of data is an integral and critical part of a research process. Management of research data is a service area of increasing interest to researchers and data managers. It covers the planning, creating, storing, organizing, accessing, sharing, describing, publishing and curating of data. Most public funded research have listed data as a key deliverable hence the need for skills on how to access, preserve and archive data. Marine information managers are increasingly seen as major contributors to RDM activities in general and in the design of research data services (RDS) in particular. They promote research by providing services for storage, discovery and access, liaise and partner with researchers and data centers to foster an inter-operable infrastructure for the above services. Most information managers are looking for opportunities to develop their RDM related skills. This training recognizes the potential that librarians/ information managers can offer and hence the need to develop their skills in research data management process. Course Objectives The course will provide comprehensive training in research data management in order to lay the foundations for a common approach for research data management amongst researchers, repositories and facilities (including libraries) that manage marine data, thereby helping to ensure that the data is accessible, standardized and maintained over time. Learning outcomes • Understand the importance of maintaining integrity (accuracy and completeness) of data. • Develop skills in writing and implementing a Data Management Plan, including those associated with Funding agency requirements and mandates • Gain knowledge of the terminology of Open Access and Open Data as it applies to Research Data Management • Advance knowledge in the current landscape of Research Data Management, and internationally organized efforts to develop standards and tools in this field • Recognize the importance of good research data management practice
Application process: Please fill the online application form: Period for Applications: 4 April and 6 May 2017. Before starting filling the online application form, please make sure to have available the following: - a motivation statement (text file) of maximum 300 words; - scan of the bio page of your passport; in case you are a national of the host country a valid identification/citizen card can be used instead of the passport; - scan of the endorsement letter (in case you are asking for funding) - link to your profile on OceanExpert (; if you don't have one make sure you create one in advance. The deadline to submit the application closes 6 May 2017. Do not leave for the last minute since the system will close automatically. In case you have any questions please contact the organisers well in advance: given time differences you may not get a reply to your questions immediately. Both full- and co-sponsoring are available for a limited number of participants. The selection of participants who will be sponsored will take into consideration: - Applicant country’s development status (preference will be given to LIFDCs) - Endorsement of the candidate’s application by his/her employer and any co-sponsoring - Expected impact of the training for the applicants’ institution - Possibility of any co-sponsorship (co-sponsorship is an asset for selection) UNESCO is committed to promote gender equality. Therefore, applications from women are strongly encouraged. In case of questions contact: - OTGA Mombasa Regional Training Centre Coordinator: Harrison Ong’anda ( - OTGA Coordinator: Claudia Delgado (
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
20170403 OTGA flyer RDM_ July_2017 KMFRI | 04/04/2017 |
[View a printable participants list]
Name | Country |
MUNIU Chris | Kenya |
NGISIANG'E Noah | Kenya |
ONGANDA Harrison | Kenya |
ONKUNDI Ednah | Kenya |
Name | Country |
KOMBO Maureen | Kenya |
NGOSHA Mussa | United Republic of Tanzania |
KINARA Megan | Kenya |
MUSEMBI Peter | Kenya |
GWADA Faith | Kenya |
CAESAR Magak | Kenya |
AKINYI Julia | Kenya |
MWALUGHA Catherine | Kenya |
LESHAMTA Getrude | Kenya |
RAZANABOAHANGY Jeanne Marie Felicie | Madagascar |
JARISOA Tsarahevitra | Madagascar |
SUEGE Ivan Mario | Mozambique |
SUEGE Ivan | Mozambique |
TEMBE Susana | Mozambique |
TUTJAVI Vasana | Namibia |
NANGOLO Ester | Namibia |
AMUNYELA Anne-marie | Namibia |
RAVINIA Isabelle | Seychelles |
KAKAMA Grace | United Republic of Tanzania |
MVUNGI Esther | United Republic of Tanzania |
SILAS Mathew | United Republic of Tanzania |
MGELEKA Said | United Republic of Tanzania |
Name | Country |
PIKULA Linda | United States of America |
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 27
Confirmed: 27
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): IOC Capacity Development Training course , IOCAfrica Training course , IODE Training course , OceanTeacher Training course
Created at 16:19 on 21 Mar 2017 by Cláudia Delgado
Last Updated at 12:37 on 04 Feb 2019 by Astrid de Lichtervelde