Symposium: Advances in Tsunami Warning to Enhance Community Responses
12 - 14 February 2018
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO
7, place de Fontenoy
75732 Paris cedex 07
Organiser(s) & Staff
Open attendance.
Advances in Tsunami Warning to Enhance Community Responses
IOC/UNESCO, Paris, France 12-14 February 2018
The IOC Assembly decided at its 29th session (21-29 June 2017, Paris) to conduct a symposium on enhancing existing TSP and NTWC operational tsunami forecasting to further develop warning products and enhancing timely, accurate, reliable and effective decision-making and community response, involving experts from monitoring networks, seismology, tsunami forecast modelling and warning centres, maritime authorities, and national and local emergency management authorities with advice on product requirements.
Tsunamis are "short-fused" hazards that can impact coastal communities within minutes, and at best only hours. This requires extremely rapid threat assessment and warning of communities, which is both technically and practically challenging. Recognising the needs of emergency responders and at-risk coastal communities for even more timely and accurate tsunami warnings than currently available, the Symposium will address the following issues:
1) Bring emergency responders and users of tsunami warnings together with scientists and warning authorities to exchange information on requirements and possible solutions.
2) Review latest and potential new technologies and procedures for estimating tsunami threat and test their suitability and feasibility for providing more timely and accurate warnings.
3) Consider ways of estimating uncertainties associated with threat assessments and optimal ways of conveying to decision-makers.
4) Examine ways of utilising enhanced tsunami threat information in making decisions with regards to emergency responses.
5) Provide information on the latest technologies for disseminating tsunami warning information to responders and communities.
6) Formulate roadmaps for developing and implementing new technologies, procedures and their application in enabling more effective and inclusive community responses to tsunami threats. Experts from the relevant fields (monitoring, assessment, warning, communications, and response) will be invited to provide key note presentations on specified topics to help guide roundtable discussions within each session. Participants will also be invited to present posters.
Further Information
More information about the program of the symposium, accommodation options, and visa requirements will be made available at:
Poster abstracts should be submitted as a WORD document by no later than 19 January 2018 to Elena Iasyreva ( with copy to Poster Topics: - Tsunami impacts and responses - Tsunami hazard and risk assessment - Tsunami forecasting tools and systems - Sea level and seismic observing technologies - Warning protocols - Communication technologies - Awareness and preparedness initiatives and resources - Maritime community, ports and harbours preparedness - Structural (building) design for tsunami - World Tsunami Awareness Day Symposium Programme CREWS lunchtime side event on 13 February 2018: “Lessons Learnt on Early Warning Systems following the Caribbean 2017 Hurricane Season” – Programme Symposium Summary Statement
Meeting time: 09.00-17:30.
Meeting venue: Room XI By main entrance - 7, place de Fontenoy[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
There are 106 participants associated with Symposium: Advances in Tsunami Warning to Enhance Community Responses , 2 of whom are provisional .
= Person has not yet confirmed their participation.
= Person has applied to participate but has not yet been approved.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 106
Confirmed: 101
Not confirmed: 2
Unapproved: 3
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 14:09 on 06 Jun 2017 by Elena Iasyreva
Last Updated at 09:47 on 06 Jan 2023 by Sofie de Baenst