Ninth session of the ICG/PTWS Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System in the South China Sea Region - online session
PTWS WG SCS - IX - online
27 - 28 August 2020
Organizer & Staff
Open attendance.
The Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/PTWS) was first established by the IOC in 1965 as a cooperation mechanism for countries in the Pacific whose coastal areas are threatened by tsunamis. Through the ICG, Member States have designed and developed the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System and work together to improve and sustain it. At its Twenty-eighth Session (2 - 5 April 2019, Nicaragua) the ICG/PTWS decided to continue the Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System in the South China Sea Region (SCS-WG) under the chairmanship of Mr. Chan Sai-Tick (China). In this context, and following the decision to cancel the 9th session of the SCS-WG, the Chair and Secretariat proposed to host an online session on August 27-28, 2020. Main items discussed at this meeting include Seismic and Sea level core stations in the South China Sea for further enhancing ttsunami warning capabilities, South China Sea Advisory Center (SCSTAC) Decision Support System (DSS) and harmonization of tsunami bulletins issued by Tsunami Service providers (TSPs)

[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
ICG/PTWS-WG-SCS-IX Online | Ninth session of the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System for the South China Sea Region (SCS-WG-IX) | 17/09/2021 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Final Report ICG_PTWS_Steering_Commitee_online_Meeting_June_2020 | 09/07/2020 |
[View a printable participants list]
Name | Country |
NARAG Ishmael | Philippines |
ABD AZIZ Azahani | Malaysia |
ANUGRAH Suci | Indonesia |
CHAN Sai-tick | China |
DARYONO Daryono | Indonesia |
HONG PHUONG Nguyen | Viet Nam |
HU Weilin | Singapore |
IMAMURA Yuichi | Japan |
KARYONO Dr. | Indonesia |
MCCREERY Charles | United States of America |
MOKHTAR Zaty Aktar | Malaysia |
NGUYEN Xuan Anh | Viet Nam |
NISHIMAE Yuji | Japan |
PEREZ Jeffrey | Philippines |
PHAM TRUYEN | Viet Nam |
RIVERA Arianne Gail | Philippines |
VILLEGAS Ma. Mylene | Philippines |
VITITSOONTORN Sittikarn | Thailand |
WANG Dakui | China |
WENIZA Mrs. | Indonesia |
YUAN Ye | China |
Name | Country |
ALIAGA ROSSEL Bernardo | France |
KODIJAT Ardito M. | Indonesia |
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 23
Confirmed: 23
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): Tsunami Official meeting
Created at 23:49 on 10 Jun 2020 by Bernardo Aliaga Rossel
Last Updated at 10:55 on 04 Jan 2023 by Sofie de Baenst