Meeting of the Steering Team of the META-T Pilot Project
16 - 17 September 2008
World Meteorological Organization
Case Postale 2300
CH-1211 Geneva
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
Meeting of the Steering Team of the Water Temperature platform/instrument metadata Pilot Project (META-T)

[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
JCOMM-MR-060, META-T-2 | Informal Workshop of the META-T Pilot Project Steering Team | 11/04/2013 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
11 | META-T1-Doc-11 | Terms of Reference and Membership of the META-T Steering Team | 18/07/08 |
2 | META-T1-Doc-2(1) | Provisional agenda (META-T2) | 18/07/08 |
2 | META-T1-Doc-2(2) | Annotated provisional agenda (META-T2) | 18/07/08 |
4 | JCOMM-MR-41, META-T1-Doc-4(1) | Final report, workshop to establish the Water Temperature Metadata Pilot Project (META-T) | 28/09/10 |
4 | META-T1-Doc-4(2) | META-T project status (07/2008) | 18/07/08 |
6.1 | META-T1-Doc-6.1 | META-T workplan | 18/07/08 |
6.2 | META-T1-Doc-6.2 | META-T Categorization | 18/07/08 |
6.3 | META-T1-Doc-6.3 | META-T Table for VOS | 18/07/08 |
6.3 | META-T1-Doc-6.3-Apx A | META-T Table for VOS - Appendix A | 18/07/08 |
6.4 | META-T1-Doc-6.4 | META-T Table for XBT | 18/07/08 |
7 | META-T1-Doc-7 | META-T Additional Tables | 18/07/08 |
8.1 | META-T1-Doc-8.1 | IODE/JCOMM Standards process | 18/07/08 |
8.4 | META-T1-Doc-8.4 | WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM | 18/07/08 |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Working documents from the META-T Website | 18/07/2008 |
ODP-WIGOS2-INF4(1) | Local information (Geneva) | 21/07/2008 |
There are 8 participants associated with Meeting of the Steering Team of the META-T Pilot Project .
Name | Country |
BURNETT Bill | United States of America |
CHARPENTIER Etienne | Switzerland |
CHEN Jixiang | China |
CLARK Candyce | United States of America |
KEELEY J Robert | Canada |
REED Greg | Belgium |
SCOTT Nicola | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
SNOWDEN Derrick | United States of America |
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 8
Confirmed: 8
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 10:13 on 23 Jun 2008 by Etienne Charpentier
Last Updated at 11:22 on 15 Nov 2010 by Sungmin O