Good Practices on Tsunami and Coastal Hazards Community Preparedness and Readiness in Central America and the Caribbean
11 - 13 August 2008
United Nations Office for Disaster Reduction - Regional Office for the Americas
# 142 Arnoldo Cano Ave.
Panama City
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
UNESCO/IOC, UNISDR-Americas Regional unit, OFDA/USAID and the Maritime Authority of Panama, hosted and co-organized a bilingual (Spanish & English) workshop in the framework of Working Group IV – “Preparedness, Readiness and Resilience”, of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (ICG/CARIBE EWS). In short, the workshop addressed a series of fundamental questions on how to build and keep alive at community level, Coastal Early Warning Systems in Central America and the Caribbean. The meeting convoked community preparedness leaders/planners from across the region to share their experiences in developing community-based programs for dealing with coastal hazards, including tsunamis. Therefore there were representatives attending from Caribbean countries such as Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Trinidad & Tobago, USA-Puerto Rico, as well as from Colombia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and El Salvador. Other partners included the UN University (Bonn), U Peace (Costa Rica), IFRC and OCHA regional representatives.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
0 | Opening speeches_Workshop on Best Practices for Tsunami Preparedness_August 11-13 2008 | 20/08/08 |
There are 9 participants associated with Good Practices on Tsunami and Coastal Hazards Community Preparedness and Readiness in Central America and the Caribbean .
Name | Country |
ARMSTRONG Sheniah | Virgin Islands British |
BROME Alison | Barbados |
CHICHACO Eric | Panama |
EDWARDS Stacey | Trinidad and Tobago |
FORBES Michelle | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
FORBES Michelle | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
INNISS Lorna | Colombia |
LARREYNAGA MURCIA Jeniffer Alejandra | El Salvador |
THOMAS Judy | Barbados |
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 9
Confirmed: 9
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 13:14 on 19 Aug 2008 by Bernardo Aliaga Rossel
Last Updated at 09:24 on 20 Dec 2018 by Astrid de Lichtervelde