Task Team Tsunami Preparedness Near-Field Tsunami Hazard [Online]
22 - 23 August 2022
Organizer & Staff
By invitation only.
This task team was established by ICG/IOTWMS XII and will need to provide important recommendations to ICG/IOTWMS XIII in November according to its Terms of Reference:
1. Assist Member States threatened by near-field tsunami threat to adapt and integrate their national warning chains and SOPs, particularly in relation to community preparedness for self-evacuation.
2. Guide the implementation of Indian Ocean Tsunami Ready Recognition Programme in the IOTWMS Member States with a near-field tsunami threat.
Importantly, the near-field tsunami threat includes tsunamis generated by seismic, non-seismic and complex sources. The recent Tonga volcanic eruption and tsunami has highlighted the threat of tsunamis also generated by non-seismic and complex sources.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Provisional agenda and timetable ICG/IOTWMS TT TPNFTH | 15/08/2022 |
[View a printable participants list]
Name | Country |
AKBARPOUR JANNAT Mahmood Reza | Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
Name | Country |
MIAO Yuelong | Australia |
MANNEELA Vijaya Sunanda | India |
KODIJAT Ardito M. | Indonesia |
RAHAYU Harkunti | Indonesia |
WENIZA Mrs. | Indonesia |
MOKHTARI Mohammad | Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
AL-SIYABI AlYaqdhan | Oman |
UJJAN Tariq | Pakistan |
HYDER Ameer | Pakistan |
Name | Country |
LAUTERJUNG Joern | Germany |
SPAHN Harald | Germany |
KARYONO Dr. | Indonesia |
HAIGH Richard | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
AMARATUNGA Dilanthi | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Name | Country |
GALE Nora | Australia |
BAILEY Rick | Australia |
= Person has not yet confirmed their participation.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 17
Confirmed: 13
Not confirmed: 4
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): Created at 16:05 on 15 Aug 2022 by Rick Bailey
Last Updated at 12:02 on 08 Sep 2022 by Nora Gale