WIGOS/JCOMM Training Workshop on Marine Instrumentation for the Regional Association IV
13 - 15 April 2010
NOAA National Data Buoy Center
1100 Balch Blvd.
Stennis Space Center, MS 39529
United States
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
WIGOS/JCOMM Training Workshop on Marine Instrumentation for the Regional Association IV This meeting was organized to prove concept of WMO-IOC Regional Marine Instrument Centres (RMICs) following recommendations from the JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS and adoption by JCOMM-III of Recommendation 1 defining the RMIC Terms of Reference and including capabilities and corresponding functions, and a mechanism for formal WMO and UNESCO/IOC designation of an RMIC. The aim is to facilitate adherence of observational data, metadata, and processed observational products to higher level standards for instruments and methods of observation, by providing: (1) facilities for the calibration and maintenance of marine instruments and the monitoring of instrument performance; and (2) assistance for instrument inter-comparisons, as well as appropriate training facilities. Three countries have offered to host RMIC facilities at this point: (i) the USA for the Regional Association IV (North America, Central America and the Caribbean) at the USA National Data Buoy Centre (NDBC) of NOAA in Mississippi, (ii) Morocco for the Regional Association I (Africa) at the National Meteorological Service in Casablanca, and (iii) China for the Regional Association II (Asia) at the National Center of Ocean Standards and Metrology (NCOSM) of SOA in Tianjin. The feedback received from the participants at the training workshop has been excellent, demonstrating the demand that existed in developing countries for more training on instrument practices and standards, quality assurance, marine observing programme management and operational aspects, and data exchange. The workshop permitted to initiate new collaborations in the view to improve availability of ocean observations from the Regional Association, as well as the quality and traceability to standards of the corresponding data. It is planned to regularly organize training events at existing and candidate RMICs regionally. Discussions have been initiated to organize such workshops in China and Morocco before JCOMM-IV.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
1 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_01, RMIC1-1 | WIS and WIGOS | 27/10/10 |
10 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_10, RMIC1-10 | Marine systems and instruments: Communication systems | 27/10/10 |
11 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_11, RMIC1-11 | Marine systems and instruments: Data acquisition, control, and logging systems | 27/10/10 |
12 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_12, RMIC1-12 | Operation and Maintenance of Marine Observing Systems | 27/10/10 |
13 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_13, RMIC1-13 | Operation and Maintenance of Marine Observing Systems #2 | 27/10/10 |
14 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_14, RMIC1-14 | International Data Assembly Center | 27/10/10 |
15 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_15, RMIC1-15 | Data Quality Control | 22/12/10 |
16 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_16, RMIC1-16 | Integration of various types of platforms into one | 27/10/10 |
17 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_17, RMIC1-17 | Ocean Sensor Quality Control | 22/12/10 |
18 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_18, RMIC1-18 | Wave Quality Control | 27/10/10 |
19 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_19, RMIC1-19 | Data Dissemination | 27/10/10 |
2 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_02, RMIC1-2 | JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS | 27/10/10 |
20.1 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_Bahamas, RMIC1-Bahamas | Bahamas | 27/10/10 |
20.2 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_Barbados, RMIC1-Barbados | Barbados | 27/10/10 |
20.3 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_Canada, RMIC1-Canada | Canada | 27/10/10 |
20.4 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_China, RMIC1-China | China | 27/10/10 |
20.5 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_Costa Rica, RMIC1-Costa Rica | Costa Rica | 27/10/10 |
20.6 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_French West Indies, RMIC1-French West Indies | French West Indies | 27/10/10 |
20.7 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_Guatemala, RMIC1-Guatemala | Guatemala | 27/10/10 |
20.8 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_Morocco, RMIC1-Morocco | Morocco | 27/10/10 |
20.9 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_Netherlands Antilles, RMIC1-Netherlands Antilles | Netherlands Antilles | 27/10/10 |
3 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_03, RMIC1-3 | Engineering, Operations, facility tour | 27/10/10 |
4 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_04. RMIC1-4 | General information and vocabulary used in marine instrumentation | 27/10/10 |
5 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_05, RMIC1-5 | Standards, Capabilities, and procedures for calibration and testing | 27/10/10 |
6 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_06, RMIC1-6 | Support Systems for Marine Programmes, QA management, Change Management and logistics | 27/10/10 |
7 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_07, RMIC1-7 | Marine systems and instruments: platforms | 27/10/10 |
8 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_08, RMIC1-8 | Marine systems and instruments: moorings | 27/10/10 |
9 | OPA_WIGOS_meeting_RMIC01_09, RMIC1-9 | Marine systems and instruments: power systems | 27/10/10 |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Local information | 09/03/2010 |
Programme for the workshop | 02/04/2010 |
There are 21 participants associated with WIGOS/JCOMM Training Workshop on Marine Instrumentation for the Regional Association IV , 1 of whom is provisional .
Name | Country |
BALLESTERO Daniel | Costa Rica |
BRANSKI Fred | United States of America |
BURNETT Bill | United States of America |
BURNSIDE Godfrey | Bahamas |
DHALIWAL Randeep | Canada |
GAO Zhanke | China |
GIRIGORI Pedzi | Netherlands Antilles |
ISSARA Samir | Morocco |
JEREZ Estuardo | Guatemala |
JONES Albert | Belize |
LEWIS Jennifer | United States of America |
LI Xiaoxia | China |
MERROUCHI Rabia | Morocco |
PRESCOD Damien | Barbados |
RASTI Bijan | Canada |
REGINA Eloi | France |
SI Jianwen | China |
SUI Jun | China |
TENG Chung-Chu | United States of America |
WU Aina | China |
= Person has not yet confirmed their participation.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 21
Confirmed: 20
Not confirmed: 1
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 17:49 on 11 Dec 2009 by Etienne Charpentier
Last Updated at 13:52 on 28 May 2024 by Sofie de Baenst