8th session of the JCOMM Management Committee
16 - 19 November 2010
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO
1 rue Miollis
75732 CEDEX 15 Paris
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
The eighth session of the JCOMM Management Committee took place at the Conference Room XV, Headquarters of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO. The MAN Committee through this session kept the intersessional activities under reivew, focussing on key strategic issues and actions requiring input from the Committee. The Committee agreed on a number of activities to continue and pursue during the intersessional period, among which the following items may be highlighted:
- Continuing efforts within the Observations Programme Area (OPA) to implement the initial ocean observing system, as endorsed by the OceanObs09, including development of a strategy to better express and document trends and regional gaps in the observing system, as well as the impacts of these on Members/Member States, in order to better address any issues to funding agencies;
- Implementation of the five new Arctic Metareas (see also the JCOMM marine weather information page for GMDSS);
- Increased emphasis on facilitating coastal storm surge and inundation forecasting capabilities in response to increased risks associated with global climate change (see also a summary on JCOMM Storm Surge Modelling and Forecasting);
- Development of new metrics to better evaluate the long-term trend in marine service quality within the JCOMM mandate, to facilitate continuing improvements;
- Establishment of a new cross-cutting Team on Satellite Data Requirements, to incorporate the existing Programme Area satellite rapporteurs;
- Establishment of a process for adopting a WMO/IOC Regional Marine Instrument Centre, following approval of the concept by JCOMM-III; two such centres have already been approved, in China and the USA;
- Development of a procedure for regular web reporting of the Commission’s capacity building activities, to better publicise the breadth and depth of its achievements in this vital area;
- Ongoing work towards the adoption within JCOMM of a quality management approach to the delivery of marine weather and ocean services:
- Agreement to cosponsor, with the Commission for Agricultural Meteorology (CAgM), a workshop on climate and oceanic fisheries, focussed on Pacific Island Countries.

[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
JCOMM-MR-083, MAN-8 | JCOMM Management Committee, 8th Session | 14/03/2013 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
WMO-No.1049, WMO-IOC/JCOMM-III/3 | Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology, 3rd session | 29/11/2012 |
3.1.1, 4.2 | Statement of Commitment: Establishment of the Regional Marine Instrument Centre (RMIC) in Tianjin | 16/11/2010 |
3.2 | MAN-VIII/Bak 3.2 | JCOMM Capacity Building Principles | 15/11/2010 |
5.1 | ODP-WIGOS4-Doc-8.2(2) | Project Report (JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS) | 14/10/2010 |
5.5 | MAN-VIII/Bak 5.5(1) | JCOMM document for PORS-II | 08/10/2010 |
5.5 | MAN-VIII/Bak 5.5(2) | IABP/IPAB document for PORS-II | 08/10/2010 |
5.5 | MAN-VIII/Bak 5.5(3) | SOOS document for PORS-II | 08/10/2010 |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
MAP: Meeting Dinner (Le Vauban) | 23/12/2010 |
There are 24 participants associated with 8th session of the JCOMM Management Committee .
Name | Country |
BOASE Bryan | Australia |
BOUKSIM Hassan | Morocco |
CLARK Candyce | United States of America |
DEXTER Peter | Australia |
FROLOV Alexander | Russian Federation |
IONA Athanasia | Greece |
JI Ming | United States of America |
JOHANNESSEN Johnny | Norway |
LINDSTROM Eric | United States of America |
MAFIMBO Ali | Kenya |
MELDRUM David | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Name | Country |
BEL HASSEN-ABID Malika | Tunisia |
FELLOUS Jean-Louis | France |
HALPERN David | United States of America |
HARRISON D. E. | United States of America |
LIN Shao Hua | China |
REED Greg | Belgium |
SIMMONS Adrian | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Name | Country |
CABRERA Edgard | Switzerland |
VALDES Luis | Spain |
AARUP Thorkild | France |
DESA Ehrlich | France |
WATSON-WRIGHT Wendy | Canada |
LEE Boram | Switzerland |
ALVERSON Keith | Kenya |
PISSIERSSENS Peter | Belgium |
FISCHER Albert | Switzerland |
CHARPENTIER Etienne | Switzerland |
= Person has declined to participate or had their request to participate declined.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 28
Confirmed: 24
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 4
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 21:49 on 11 Jan 2010 by Boram Lee
Last Updated at 16:50 on 06 Jun 2012 by Etienne Charpentier