6th TCP/JCOMM Workshop on Storm Surge and Wave Forecasting
21 - 26 February 2011
Officina de Meteorologia (ONAMET) - National Meteorological Service
Santo Domingo
Dominican Republic
Organizer & Staff
By invitation only.
The main objectives and topics of the workshop are the following: - Presentation of the existing - and under development - forecasting products for storm surges, wind waves and coastal hazards; - Presentation of the operational forecasting and warning systems in the region; - Training on demonstration forecasting products and e-learning platforms; - Assessment of national capacities and needs for marine meteorology and coastal disaster risk reduction services and products; - Overview and coordination with coastal disasters risk reduction initiatives in the Caribbean, in particular the Caribbean MH-EWS Programme; - Presentation of the Coastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration Project (CIFDP) approach in the Dominican Republic, for development of open-source integrated forecasting and warning systems for coastal inundations at the regional level.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Summary of the Workshop for Storm Surges and Waves Forecasting, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic , 21-26 February 2011 | 20/04/2011 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
2 | SSWW6 Item 2 : Workshop opening presentation, WMO - Oceans | 28/03/2011 |
3 | SSWW6 Item 3 : Ocean Wave Forecasting, ECMWF | 28/03/2011 |
3 | SSWW6 Item 3, Marine Forecasting at the National Hurricane Center (USA) | 28/03/2011 |
3 | SSW-W6 Item 3: Meteorological Service of Canada Wind and Waves Models and Products | 28/03/2011 |
4 | SSW-W6, Item 4: ECMWF Forecasting Products | 30/03/2011 |
4 | SSW-W6 Item 4: Canadian Wave Ensemble System | 30/03/2011 |
4 | SSW-W6 Item 4: Storm Surge, Wave and Tsunami Model Applications at Deltares | 30/03/2011 |
5 | SSW-W6 Item 5 : Storm Surges Forecating at the National Hurricane Center (USA) | 30/03/2011 |
5 | SSW-W6 Item 5 : Modelling storm surges and hurricane waves using the ADCIRC+unSWAN coupled model | 30/03/2011 |
5 | SSW-W6 Item 5 : Tsunami models for inundation mapping in the Caribbean | 30/03/2011 |
5 | SSW-W6 Item 5 : Introduction to the SLOSH Modelling System | 30/03/2011 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
10 | Survey Questionnaire to Assess Forecasting and Observing Capacities of the National Meteorological, Hydrological and Oceanographic Services to support Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems | 14/02/11 |
11 | SFSPA_ETWS_CIFDP | Project Plan of the JCOMM/CHy Coastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration Project | 30/01/14 |
2 | Program of the 6th TCP/JCOMM Workshop on Storm Surge and Wave Forecasting / Programa del Sexto Cursillo para la Predicciòn de Mareas de Tempestas y Olas | 22/02/11 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
JOMM2007SSS: Agreed Recommendations and Actions | 04/08/2010 |
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Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
General Information for Participants / Informacion general para los Participantes | 16/02/2011 |
[View a printable participants list]
Name | Country |
BERG Robert | United States of America |
ETALA María Paula | Argentina |
GAVIDIA MEDINA Francisco | El Salvador |
LEFÈVRE Jean-Michel | France |
MCLEAN Jamie | Canada |
MERCADO Aurelio | Puerto Rico |
RESIO Donald | United States of America |
RHOME Jamie | United States of America |
RUBIERA Jose | Cuba |
VATVANI Deepak | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) |
Name | Country |
ABRAHAM Tariq | Netherlands Antilles |
ALEXANDER Marshall | Dominica |
CADENA Martha | Colombia |
CAESAR Kathy-Ann | Trinidad and Tobago |
CEBALLOS Gloria | Dominican Republic |
DEAN Basil | Bahamas |
GENTLE Michael | Belize |
GONZALEZ-LOPEZ Juan | United States of America |
MATHURIN Theodulus | Saint Lucia |
MITTON Francois | Haiti |
ORTEGA Frank Ernesto | Cuba |
PAYNE Karl | Trinidad and Tobago |
ROBINSON Romayne | Jamaica |
SOLANO Eladio | Costa Rica |
SORIANO Reynaldo | El Salvador |
SUBRATH-ALI Carol | Trinidad and Tobago |
TIBETTS John | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Name | Country |
CABRERA Edgard | Switzerland |
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 28
Confirmed: 28
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): JCOMM training course
Created at 10:56 on 23 Dec 2010 by OceanExpert Manager
Last Updated at 16:19 on 14 Jul 2015 by OceanExpert Manager