12th International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting & 3rd Coastal Hazard Symposium
31 October - 04 November 2011
Kona Hawaii
United States
Organizer & Staff
Open attendance.
A continuing series of international workshops on wave prediction in coastal areas sponsored by Environment Canada, the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center\'s Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, and the WMO/IOC Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM).
- to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and information related to wind, wave, and surge hindcasting and forecasting, including some special topics related to the evaluation of coastal hazards
- to coordinate ongoing R&D initiatives
- to discuss priorities for future research and development
The theme session for this workshop is “Improved Wave/Surge Predictions and Coastal Hazards.” Papers dealing with research related to this theme will be given particular consideration. Topics may include theoretical, numerical, laboratory, and field studies of wind, wave and surge phenomena in coastal areas; interpretation of climatic characteristics of storms and related processes in coastal areas, data assimilation/fusion methods for coastal applications, and the assessment of wind, wave and surge hazards and their mitigation in coastal areas. Click here for more information including abstract submission information.
IMPORTANT DATESAbstract Submission Deadline:
May 31, 2011
Click here to submit your abstract
Early Registration Deadline:
August 31, 2011
Online Registration Coming Soon!
Full Papers (Optional) Submission Deadline:
September 30, 2011
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
[View a printable participants list]
Name | Country |
AARNES Ole Johan | Norway |
ADCOCK Thomas | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
ALARI Victor | Estonia |
ALKHALAF Abdulrahman | Saudi Arabia |
ALMAZROUI Mansour | Saudi Arabia |
AOUF Lotfi | France |
AUCAN Jerome | New Caledonia |
AUCLAIR Jean-Pierre | Canada |
BABANIN Alexander | Australia |
BANNER Michael | Australia |
BARTEL Warren | United States of America |
BECKER Janet | United States of America |
BENDER Leslie | United States of America |
BENILOV Alexander | United States of America |
BIDLOT Jean-Raymond | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
BIGIO Ralph | tbd |
BOC Stanley | United States of America |
BOCQUET Francois-Xavier | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
BOUCHARD Richard | United States of America |
BRADBURY Andy | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
BREIVIK Oyvind | Norway |
BRUNS Thomas | Germany |
CAIRES Sofia | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) |
CARDONE Vincent | United States of America |
CHAWLA Arun | United States of America |
CHRISTOU Marios | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) |
COX Andrew | United States of America |
DALLY William R. | United States of America |
DE VISSER Alexandra | United States of America |
DEAKIN Tony | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
DESJARDINS Serge | Canada |
DOIRON Claudette L. | United States of America |
DONLON Craig | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) |
DUNCALF David | Australia |
ELWART Natalie | United States of America |
EWANS Kevin | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) |
FAUCHER Manon | Canada |
FISSEL David | Canada |
FLYNN Jan | Australia |
FORBES Don | Canada |
FOSTER Emma | Australia |
FRIEBEL Harry | United States of America |
FULLERTON Gary | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
GASLIKOVA Lidia | Germany |
GEMMRICH Johannes | Canada |
GULEV Sergey | Russian Federation |
HANSON Jeffrey | United States of America |
HAVER Sverre | Norway |
HEMER Mark | Australia |
HESSNER Katrin | Germany |
IRISH Jennifer | United States of America |
JENSEN Robert | United States of America |
JONATHAN Philip | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
KALANTZI Georgia | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
KENNEDY Andrew | United States of America |
KOFOED-HANSEN Henrik | Denmark |
KOHNO Nadao | Japan |
KOMATSU Kosei | Japan |
KRUGER Jens | Fiji |
LAI Ronald J. | United States of America |
LALBEHARRY Roop | Canada |
LEE Boram | Switzerland |
LEFÈVRE Jean-Michel | France |
LEHNER Susanne | Germany |
LEVINSON David | United States of America |
LI Jian-Guo | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
LIN Lihwa | United States of America |
LISAETER Knut | Norway |
LOFFREDO Layla | Belgium |
LOPATOUKHIN Leonid | Russian Federation |
MAGNE Rudy | France |
MAGNUSSON Anne Karin | Norway |
MCILDOON Ted | Canada |
MCLEAN Jamie | Canada |
MERCER Doug | Canada |
MERRIFIELD Mark | United States of America |
MORISON Russel | Australia |
MORITZ Hans R. | United States of America |
MORITZ Heidi P. | United States of America |
NOREIKA Scott R. | Australia |
OSBORNE Alfred R. | Italy |
PEARSON Garry | Canada |
PEEL Syd | Canada |
PEQUIGNET Anne Christine | Australia |
PERRIE Will | Canada |
PUSHKAREV Andrei | United States of America |
RABUS Bernard | Canada |
REES Jon | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
REICHERT Konny | New Zealand |
REISTAD Magnar | Norway |
RESIO Donald | United States of America |
RITCHIE Hal | Canada |
ROSENTHAL Wolfang | Germany |
RUGBJERG Morten | Denmark |
RUSU Eugen | Romania |
SALINAS Jose Antonio | Mexico |
SIDDIQUI Zubair | Pakistan |
SKEY Simon | Canada |
SMITH Jane McKee | United States of America |
SMITH Thomas | United States of America |
SOARES Alice | Switzerland |
SOLOMON Steven | Canada |
SONG Youn Kyung | United States of America |
STRONACH Jim | Canada |
SWAIL Val | Canada |
TAMURA Hitoshi | Japan |
TANG Charles | Canada |
TAYLOR Paul H. | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
TELFORD Devon | Canada |
THOMAS Bridget R. | Canada |
TOLMAN Hendrik L. | United States of America |
TOULANY Bash | Canada |
TRACY Barbara | United States of America |
VAN DER WESTHUYSEN Andre | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) |
VLEDDER Gerbrant van | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) |
VOGEL Michael | United States of America |
WAHLE Kathrin | Germany |
WANG Xiaolan | Canada |
WASEDA Takuji | Japan |
WILSON Laurie | Canada |
WINTHER-KALAND Nina | Norway |
WITTMANN Paul | United States of America |
XU Fumin | China |
YAMAGUCHI Masataka | Japan |
YUSOF Mohamed Fadli | Malaysia |
ZAKHAROV Vladimir | United States of America |
ZAREMBA Lillian | Canada |
ZHANG Biao | Canada |
ZHENG Yun Xia | China |
ZIJLEMA Marcel | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) |
ZOU Qingping | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 131
Confirmed: 0
Not confirmed: 131
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0