Regional Workshop on Standard Operating Procedures for Tsunami Warning and Emergency Response for Indian Ocean Countries
ICG/IOTWS Regional SOP Workshop
19 - 23 September 2011
Borobudur Hotel
Jl. Lapangan Banteng Selatan
Organizer & Staff
By invitation only.
At the 8th Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group (ICG) for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (IOTWS) held in Melbourne, Australia, 3-6 May 2011, the ICG decided to conduct a training workshop on Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for tsunami warning and emergency response involving the Regional Tsunami Service Providers (RTSPs), National Tsunami Warning Centres (NTWCs), National Disaster Management Organisations (NDMOs), and Working Groups 2 and 3 to help prepare the IOTWS for the new RTSP service, which is scheduled to commence operations at the IOWave11 exercise on 12th October 2011. The workshop will be hosted by the Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) in Jakarta, Indonesia, 19-23 September 2011 with the support of and in collaboration with UNDP Asia Pacific Regional Centre (APRC). The primary goal of the workshop is to assist the ICG/IOTWS Member States to adapt their SOPs for the new RTSP service. The objectives will be: to understand RTSP services and products and how they differ from the Interim Advisory Service provided by JMA and PTWC; to understand the impact of the RTSP service on NTWC SOPs; to identify potential gaps and possible challenges for warning chain SOPs at the national level; to familiarise the electronic media with the new service and develop/adapt SOPs for interfacing with the media; and to prepare for the IOWave11 Exercise.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Terms of Reference for Regional SOP Workshop on Tsunami Warning and Emergency Response | 06/09/2011 |
[View a printable participants list]
Name | Country |
SPAHN Harald | Germany |
TUMMALA Srinivasa Kumar | India |
KODIJAT Ardito M. | Indonesia |
DAS Dwijendra | Thailand |
INTAVEE Artith | Thailand |
KONG Laura | United States of America |
Name | Country |
ISLAM Md. Momenul | Bangladesh |
BANDELA Ajay Kumar | India |
SHARMA A. K. | India |
CHELLAPPAN Kumar | India |
PRIYOBUDI Priyobudi | Indonesia |
PRASETYA Tiar | Indonesia |
WENIZA Mrs. | Indonesia |
MACHARIA Peter Mirara | Kenya |
MUNYI Nelson Njiru | Kenya |
MOHAMAD SAAD Ahmad Zaki | Malaysia |
SHAHID Mohamed | Maldives |
WAFIR Ali | Maldives |
MARCOS Severino | Mozambique |
MIN HTWE Yin Myo | Myanmar |
LABALEINE Paul | Seychelles |
ALBERT Francois | Seychelles |
CHANDRAPALA Lalith | Sri Lanka |
KODIPPILI Pradeep | Sri Lanka |
TILLEKARATNE Hiran | Sri Lanka |
KETSARAPONG Watanee | Thailand |
EKMAHACHAI Song | Thailand |
UPTON Wanpen | Thailand |
SINGSA Bancha | Thailand |
FATIMA Martinho | Timor-Leste |
XAVIER Lorenco Cosme | Timor-Leste |
MBUYA Samwel | United Republic of Tanzania |
AL-ERYANI Mohammed Ali | Yemen |
AL-TAYEB Abdulwasea Abdullah Mohammed | Yemen |
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 36
Confirmed: 36
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): Created at 05:54 on 12 Aug 2011 by Tony Elliott
Last Updated at 05:27 on 04 Oct 2011 by Tony Elliott