Highest Degree
MSc Fisheries economics (Portsmouth University), MSc Ecology and Environmental Science (Lancaster University)
Job Type
Natural Resource Management
Decision Making & Policy
Technical Advice & Consulting
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography
Marine Ecology
technical editing of fisheries compendium for the GCLME region, managing aquaculture projects, technical backstopping for fisheries in the gCLME region. Previously responsible for fisheries and biodiversity in the Yellow Sea with the Yelow Sea LME project. also involved in :reviewing RFMO decisions and FPAs in the Pacific and Indian Ocean, editing management plans for MPAs in Yemen, developing socio-economic and environmental criteria for fishing dependant communities in the North Sea, policy development for closed areas, deep sea fisheries, bycatch and discarding. Currently working on measures for implementing the ecosystems approach to fisheries management and community quotas. Research interests include: policy development for sustainable fisheries management, small scale fisheries in East Africa, the application of SEA to fisheries.
20 years of working in marine conservation and fisheries, most recently as an economist specialising in small scale fisheries in East Africa. Experience also in fisheries and nature conservation legislation in the EU, stakeholder engagement and participation especially in RACs, marine spatial planning, RFMOs and high seas governance. Elected Deputy Chair of the North Sea Regional Advisory Council 2004-6. Also experienced in ICZM, EIA/SEA, port development, eutrophication, marine mammals/fisheries interactions.
Special interests include small scale fisheries and livelihoods issues, MPAs and fisheries management, high seas governance, marine biodiversity and conservation.