Job Type
Data Management
Decision Making & Policy
My research activities have two foci: (1) conduct research in support of improved sampling and catch estimation by the North Pacific Groundfish and Halibut Observer Program, and (2) support comprehensive research on habitat and ecological processes by the Alaska Fisheries Science Center and the Pacific Marine and Environmental Laboratory. These include loss of sea ice, ocean acidification, and essential fish habitat.
Peer review clients include the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (Seattle), the Alaska Regional Office (Juneau), and the journals Marine Ecology Progress Series, Marine Biology, Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science, Coral Reefs, Journal of Fish Biology, Bulletin of Marine Science, Marine and Freshwater Research, Southeastern Naturalist, Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Sciences, and the Jordan Journal of Biological Studies.
Research, analysis and interpretation of complex fishery data sets.