Highest Degree
D.Sc. (with one post-doctorate)
Job Type
Data Management
Natural Resource Management
Decision Making & Policy
Subject Area
Emergency Management
Policy, Law, Economics, Management
IVIDES.org president. Researcher at the Postgraduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGG-UFRJ)/ Laboratory of Cartography. Postdoctor and Doctor of Science (Geography) from the same program. Master in Population Studies and Social Research from the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE-IBGE). Bachelor in Oceanography from the Faculty of Oceanography of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (FAOC-UERJ).
Associate professor at the Cartography Laboratory - GeoCart-UFRJ. President of the Virtual Institute for Sustainable Development - IVIDES.org. Integrates the ProPlayas and IBERMAR networks, both as a researcher and as a local node, representing the IVIDES virtual institute.
Main areas of research: participatory and collaborative mapping, Integrated Coastal Management, Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning, Geoprocessing, Sustainability Indicators, Population Studies, Sociology of Statistics, WebGIS with FOSS4G, OpenStreetMap (utilization and development) and Oceanography.
Oceanography, Geography, Populational Studies and Social Sciences, database administration, geoprocessing, programming, Webgis with FOSS4G, OpenStreetMap, OpenSeaMap.