OceanExpert ID : 23549
Dr. Santosh Kumar MISHRA
Technical Assistant
Population Education Resource Centre (PERC), Department of Continuing and Adult Education and Extension Work, S. N. D. T. Women's University, Patkar Hall Building, First Floor, Room. No.: 03, 1, Nathibai Thackerey Road, Mumbai - 400020, Maharashtra,
11, Gomes Residency, 2nd Floor, Lourdes Colony, Marve Road
Mumbai 400064
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09224380445 (M)
Certificate in Population Studies, Post - Master’s Diploma in Adult & Continuing Education and Ph. D.
o Research studies; o Publications (articles, technical papers, etc.); o Preparation of reading/instructional materials for various purposes (e.g., seminars, conferences, workshops, and training programmes); o Contribution of papers in national and international seminars / conferences; documentation and dissemination of population information; o Data collection for research studies & other purposes; o Compilation of data and population education information; o Preparation of reports of seminars/workshops/research studies; o Review of papers for national and international journals (in the capacity of reviewer / editor); o Review of conference sessions, and o Other allied academic activities.
o Research studies; o Publications (articles, technical papers, etc.); o Preparation of reading/instructional materials for various purposes (e.g., seminars, conferences, workshops, and training programmes); o Contribution of papers in national and international seminars / conferences; documentation and dissemination of population information; o Data collection for research studies & other purposes; o Compilation of data and population education information; o Preparation of reports of seminars/workshops/research studies; o Review of papers for national and international journals (in the capacity of reviewer / editor); o Review of conference sessions, and o Other allied academic activities.
1. Name: Dr. Santosh Kumar Mishra 2. Sex: Male 3. Nationality: Indian 4. Date of Birth: June 20, 1962 5. Institutional Affiliation: Population Education Resource Centre, Department of Continuing and Adult Education and Extension Work, S. N. D. T. Women’s University, Mumbai, India 6. Mailing Address: Dr. Santosh Kumar Mishra, Technical Assistant, Population Education Resource Centre, Department of Continuing and Adult Education and Extension Work, S. N. D. T. Women’s University, 1, Nathibai Thackersey Road, Patkar Hall Building, 1st Floor, Room No.: 03, Mumbai- 00020, Maharashtra, India. (http://sndt.ac.in/) a) Tel.: 91-022 -22066892 (O), 09224380445 (M), 91-022-28090363 (R), b) Email: drskmishrain@yahoo.com 7. Residence Address: Dr. Santosh Kumar Mishra, Gomes House, Flat No. 11, 2nd Floor, Lourdes Colony, Orlem, Off Marve Road, Malad (W), Mumbai - 400064, Maharashtra, India, Tel.: 91-022-28090363 (R) 8. Language Known: Hindi, Marathi (both Indian regional languages), and English 7. Passport Details: Passport Number: H4177125, issued from Mumbai, India, valid till February 19, 2019. 8. Educational & Professional Qualifications: a) Master of Arts (Economics) b) Certificate in Population Studies c) Post - Master’s Diploma in Adult & Continuing Education d) Diploma in Hospital & Health Care Management e) Diploma in Human Resource Development f) Ph. D. (thesis entitled “Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Population Education Programme in India - A Case Study of Bombay City”) g) Post Graduate Diploma in Hotel Management h) M. Sc. in Hotel Management. 9. Subject Areas of Interest/Specialization: o Population and development education, o Family planning / sex education, o Sexual and reproductive health, o Population-development linkages, o Women's empowerment, o Distance education / open learning, o Adult & continuing education/non-formal/extension education, o Health literacy, o Environmental education and sustainable development, o Human rights, o Networking mechanism for education and development, and o Other allied issues. 10. Employment Record: Employment details are given below: (a) Details of Present Employment: Name and Address of the Institution/ Employer Period of Service Nature of Work and Level of Responsibility Population Education Resource Centre (UGC –UNFPA Project), Department of Continuing & Adult Education & Extension Work, S. N. D. T. Women's University, 1, Nathibai Thackersey Road, Mumbai-400020, Maharashtra, India, Tel.: 91-022-22066892, Email: sndtwu@yahoo.com sndtwu@gmail.com From August 1, 1987 till date Responsibility includes involvement (in various capacities) and assistance in planning & implementation of following population & development education activities/ programmes: a. Research studies, b. Training/ orientation for various levels of personnel, c. Curriculum development, d. Material production / publication, e. Monitoring/ evaluation, and f. Other extension programmes on population & allied subjects. (b) Details of Present Salary Drawn (Indian Rupees - INR): a) Pay Scale: Rs. 9,300 - 34,800 b) Basic: Rs. 21,730 c) Grade Pay (G. P.): Rs. 5,000 d) Present Total Salary (Per Month): Rs.53, 400 (as on January, 2013) 11. Work Experience: o Research studies; o Publications (articles, technical papers, etc.); o Preparation of reading/instructional materials for various purposes (e.g., seminars, conferences, workshops, and training programmes); o Contribution of papers in national and international seminars / conferences; documentation and dissemination of population information; o Data collection for research studies & other purposes; o Compilation of data and population education information; o Preparation of reports of seminars/workshops/research studies; o Review of papers for national and international journals (in the capacity of reviewer / editor); o Review of conference sessions, and o Other allied academic activities. 11. Details of Research Work /Experience: 11.1 As a Part of Course: (Title of the Research Study/ Type of Study/ Name of the Course/ Year of Passing): 1. “Economic Efficiency in Agriculture – A Case Study of Maharashtra” / Seminar Paper/ Certificate in Population Studies / 1987. 2. “Knowledge and Attitude Towards Population Related Issues Among 15 to 35 Age- Groups: A Case Study of Subashnagar, Vikhroli Park Site Area, Ghatkopar, Bombay” (Study has been published by PERC, DCAEEW, SNDTWU in the year 1988)/ Project Report/ Post - Master’s Diploma in Adult & Continuing Education / 1988. 3. “Motivating Factors in Students’ Choice of Nursing as a Career”/ Project Report/ Certificate Course on Hospital & Health Care Management/1991. 4. “Role of Non – Governmental Organizations in Population Education Programme in India - A Case Study of Bombay City”/ Ph. D. thesis/ 1999. 11.2 As A Part of Job at the S.N.D.T. Women’s University: (Title of the Research Study/ Published by/ Year of Publication/ Remarks, if any): “On the Spot Survey of the Incidence of Fire in the Indira Nagar Slum at Bandra” (Co–authored) / DCAEEW, SNDTWU, Mumbai/ April, 1991 / Undertaken jointly in collaboration with the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (Deemed University), Mumbai. “An Impact Study Based on Responses to T. V. Spots Prepared for Promotion of Health & Family Welfare Measures” (Co–authored) / PERC, DCAEEW, SNDTWU, Mumbai/ March, 1992/ Research study undertaken on request from the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi. “Socio - Economic Survey of Village Nagaon at Uran” (Co–authored) / DCAEEW, SNDTWU, Mumbai / July, 1992 / Undertaken on request from the Oil and Natural Gas Commission - a Government of India undertaking. “A review of Literacy Programme in the State of Jharkhand” (Co–authored) / DCAEEW, SNDTWU, Mumbai / 2002 – 2003. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Note: a) PERC stands for Population Education Resource Centre. b) DCAEEW, SNDTWU stands for Department of Continuing & Adult Education & Extension Work, S. N. D. T. Women's University 12. Reviewer and member of editorial board for following journals and conferences sessions: 1. Research Journal of Business Management and Accounting (RJBM) (Reviewer): Wudpecker journals, Publishing House: 73023 Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria, Web: www.wudpeckerresearchjournals.org/RJBMA, E-mail: rjbma.articles@wudpeckerresearchjournals.org (ISSN 2277 0712) 2. Journal of Environmental Science and Water Resources (Reviewer): Wudpecker journals, Publishing House: 73023 Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria, www.wudpeckerresearchjournals.org/JESWR, E-mail: jeswr.articles@wudpeckerresearchjournals.org (ISSN: 2277 - 0704) 3. Journal of Gender Studies (Reviewer), Department of Social Sciences, University of Hull, Hull, HU6 7RX, UK. Tel: 01482 466209, Email: N.Branton@hull.ac.uk,blu_tirohl@hotmail.com Web: www.tanfonline.com/cjgs,http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/cjgs [ISSN 0958-9236 (Print), 1465-3869 (Online)] 4. Greenbuild International Conference & Expo (60 Minute Education Sessions), November 13-16, 2012, San Francisco, CA (Reviewer): http://greenbuild.scsubmissions.com/index.aspx, Email: kmagruder@usgbc.org, program@usgbc.org 5. Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology and Sustainable Development (JABSD) (Reviewer): academic journals, 5170-00200, Nairobi 73023 Victoria Island, Lagos, Email: helpdesk@academicjournals.org, jabsd.acadjourn@gmail.com Web: http://www.academicjournals.org/jabsd (ISSN 2141-2340) 6. Scientific Journal International (SJI) (Reviewer) SJI is a division of Global Commerce and Communication, Inc. (GCCI). GCCI is a registered corporation in the State of Minnesota, with Corporate Charter Number 11E-386, Chapter under 302A. http://scientificjournals.org/Niaz.htm, Email: info@scientificjournals.org (ISSN 1556-6757 ) 7. Journal of International Studies (Assistant Editor): (ASU – Jonesboro Campus, P O 1270, State University, AR 72467 (USA), Web: http://jistudents.org/, Email: center.asu@gmail.com 8. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies (Editorial Board Member): Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, Northern Cyprus, Mersin 10 – Turkey, Phone: (+90) 392-630-2393, Email: agah.gumus@emu.edu.tr http://www.ojcmt.net/, http://www.ojcmt.net/board.asp) (ISSN: 1986 – 3497) 9. Comunicata Scientiae (Referee): Campus “Profa Cinobelina Elvas”, BR-135, 64.900-000, Bom Jesus - Piauí – Brazil, Phone: + 55 89 3562-1029, URL: http://www.ufpi.br/comunicata, E-mail: editor.comunicata@ufpi.edu.br) (ISSN: 2177-5133) 10. Educational Research (ER) (Reviewer): (International Research Journals Publishing House, #9 Ogirigbo Street, off New Ogorode, Road, Sapele, Nigeria, Phones:+2347086837342, +2348065923686, Email: ochudoye@yahoo.com, support.eduresearch@gmail.com,er@interesjournals.org Web link: http://www.interesjournals.org/) (ISSN:2251-0044) 11. Wyno Academic Journals of Educational Research and Essays (Editor): (Plot 3A, Olaide Benson Street, Maryland, Lagos, Nigeria, Email: info@wynoacademicjournals.org http://www.wynoacademicjournals.org/,http://www.wynoacademicjournals.org/editors_edu_research.html) (ISSN 2315 – 9278) 12. Greenbuild 2013: International Conference & Expo, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 20-22, 2013 (Reviewer): http://www.greenbuildexpo.org/faqs/General-Information.aspx, Email: program@usgbc.org 13. Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development (Reviewer) (Since March, 2013): Academe Research Journals Publishing House, 3220 Dodge Park Road #T2, Landover, MD 20785. USA, http://academeresearchjournals.org/journal/jaed, Email: jaed@academeresearchjournals.org (ISSN 2327-3151) 14. International Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies (Reviewer) (Since March, 2013): academic journals, 5170-00200, Nairobi 73023 Victoria Island, Lagos, Email: helpdesk@academicjournals.org, ijeaps@academicjournals.org Web: www.academicjournals.org/,http://www.academicjournals.org/IJEAPS/, Email: (ISSN 1996 – 0816) 15. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences (IJAS) (Editorial Board Member/Reviewer) (Since March, 2013): International Scholars Journals Ltd., 2238 pacific street apt 1F, Brooklyn, NY 11233, USA, http://www.internationalscholarsjournals.org/, E-mail: us@internationalscholarsjournals.org (ISSN: 2167-0447) 16. ALIG Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research (Editorial Board Member) (Since April, 2013), (ALIG Educational Society, Aligarh, India, Phone: +91-9548532620, E-mail: aligjournals@gmail.com,aligjournals@gmail.com, http://aligeducational.org/SSMEditorialBoard.html) (ISSN: -2320-9917) 17. International Journal of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports-IJPEFS (Associate Editor/Reviewer) (May, 2013 - December, 2014), (42G - Mettuthottam, Chinnavadampatti, Coimbatore-641049, Tamilnadu, India, Tel:+91–965408000, http://www.ijpefs.nonolympictimes.org/, Email: publisher.ijpefs@gmail.com (ISSN: 2277 – 5447) 18. Journal of Management and Sustainability (JMS) (Reviewer), (May, 2013 till December 31, 2013) Canadian Center of Science and Education, 1120 Finch Avenue West, Suite 701-309, Toronto, ON., M3J 3H7, Canada, Tel: 1-416-642-2606 ext.233, Fax: 1-416-642-2608,E-mail: jms@ccsenet.org Website: www.ccsenet.org,http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/index/user [ISSN 1925-4725 (Print) ISSN 1925-4733 (Online)] 13. Details of Training Attended: S. No. Name of the Training Venue Period / Date 1. In India: 1.1 “Training Workshop in Population Education” Population Education Resource Centre, Department of Continuing & Adult Education & Extension Work, SNDTWU, Mumbai. October 8 - 10, 1987 1.2 “Workshop on Audio Visual (A. V.) Materials on Population Education” Population Education Resource Centre, Department of Adult & Continuing Education, University of Poona, Pune. March 16 - 21, 1988 1.3 “Training Programme for College Teachers -in - Charge of Population Education Clubs” Department of Adult and Continuing Education, Andhra University, Waltair, Andhra Pradesh. June 23 - 24, 1988 1.4 “Workshop on Participatory Training Methodology” Tata Institute of Social Sciences (Deemed University), Mumbai. April 18 - 21, 2000 1.5 “Workshop on Qualitative Research Methods” IIPS (Deemed University), Mumbai. June 28 - July 1, 1999 1.6 “Dissemination Seminar on Community Award Scheme - 1996” International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS), Mumbai. December 18, 1999 1.2 “Training Workshop on Setting Up an Audio - Visual Resource Centre” YUVA (Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action) Training Centre located at Kharghar, New Mumbai (India). May 26 - 29, 2002 2. Abroad: 2.1 5th European Policy Conference” (European Debate on Evidence – Based Alcohol Policy) Swedish Society of Medicine, Stockholm (Sweden) (http://www.sls.se/EuropeanAlcoholPoicyConference), Co-sponsored by Ministry of Health & Social Affairs, Sweden. 18-19, October, 2012. 14. Papers Presented at national and international Seminars/Conferences/Symposia/Workshop: (Title of the Paper/ Name of the Seminar or Conference and Date/ Organized by): 14.1 National Seminars/Conferences/Symposia/Workshop: 1. “Status of Women in India: Demographic Perspective”/ Conference on Empowerment on Women: Demographic Perspective held at SNDTWU, Mumbai from December 26 to 31, 1988/ Indian University Association for Continuing Education (IUACE), New Delhi. 2. “Health Care for Mother and Child: Significant Factors” (Co – authored)/ Seminar on Responsible Parenthood held at Mumbai on March 15, 1989/ Consumer Guidance Society of India, Mumbai. 3. “Critical Issues in Educational Development” (Co–authored)/ First Asian Symposium – Conference on Basic Education for All by the Year 2000 held at Surat from June 19 to 23, 1991/ South Gujarat University, Surat. 4. “Application of Audio – Visual Aids in Non – Formal Education Program: A Case Study of SNDT Women’s University” (Co–authored)/XXIV Conference of All India association for Educational Technology held at Bhubhneshwar from December 26 to 28, 1991/ All India Association for educational Technology, New Delhi. 5. “Sexual Abuse of Women: Some Perspective” (Co–authored)/ Workshop on Sexual Abuse of Women – Its Perspective and Therapy held at SNDTWU, Mumbai on February 3, 1992/ Department of Continuing & Adult education & Extension Work, Mumbai. 6. “An Insight into Population Policy and Emerging Trends” (Co–authored)/ Maharashtra State Workshop on ‘Women’s Health, Population and Development - Perspectives and Concerns’ held at Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA), International House, Mumbai from December 27 to 28, 1993/ Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action (YUVA), Mumbai - 400012. 7. “Inculcating Values Among Youth Through Family Life Education: Role of University Teachers”/ National Seminar of University Teachers on Value Education held at Ladnun from February 11 to 13, 1996/ Jain Vishaw Bharati Institute, Ladnun, Rajasthan. 8. “Age at Marriage in Rajasthan – Some Reflections” (Co–authored)/ National Seminar on Population and Development held at State Institute of Health & Family Welfare, Jaipur, Rajasthan from December 9 to 11, 1996/ International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS – Deemed University), Mumbai. 9. “Application of Educational Technology in Classroom Situation of School Programming” (Co–authored)/ 28th Annual Conference of All India Association of Educational Technology on Paradigm Shift in Education and Educational Technology held at New Delhi from May 1 to 2, 1998/ All India Association of Educational Technology, New Delhi. 10. “Child Work – Issues, Implications and Role of International Labour Organization” (Co–authored)/ IUACE Annual Conference and Symposium on Tackling Child Labour: Universal Primary Education and Universal Adult Employment held at Himachal Pradesh (HP) University, Shimala from June 9 to 11, 1998/ Indian University Association for Continuing Education (IUACE) and HP University, Shimala. 11. “HIV/ AIDS and Reproductive Health – Issues for Women” (Co–authored)/ National Seminar on ‘Empowerment of Women and Prevention of STD and HIV Infection’ held at Tirupati from March 28 to 29, 2000/ Department of Population Studies, Sri Venkateshwara (SV) University, Tirupati. 12. “Adolescence Education”/ Seminar on ‘Adolescence Education for Boys and Girls’ held at Jaipur, Rajasthan from July 7 to 8, 2000/ PERC, Department of Adult & Continuing Education, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur - 302004. 13. “Identifying Priority Areas for Development of Rural Women in the 21st Century” (Background paper) / Workshop on Needs and Priorities for Empowerment of Rural Women in the New Millennium held at Tirupati from March 29 to 30, 2000/ PERC, Department of Adult and Continuing Education, Sri Venkateshwara (SV) University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India. 14. “Development of Human Rights Movement in India” (Co–authored)/National Workshop on ‘People’s Participation in Development: Some Recent Mass Movements’ held at Hyderabad from April 8 to 9, 2000/ IUACE, New Delhi and Osmania University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. 15. “Women and Sex Trade – Prevalence, Reasons and Preventive Measures” (Co–authored)/ National Seminar on ‘Socially Sanctioned Gender Violence with Special Focus on Customary Prostitution’ held at Tirupati from November 29 to 30, 2001/ Department of Anthropology, S. V. University, Tirupati - 517502 (Andhra Pradesh). 16. “Sustainability of Literacy and Development Project: Experiences from Community Development in Ghana” (Co–authored)/ UGC National Seminar on 'Literacy and Development Through Volunteerism' held at Department of Adult and Continuing Education, School of Humanities and Extension Education, S. V. University, Tirupati - 517502 (Andhra Pradesh) from March 7 to 8, 2002. 17. “Migration and Urbanization in Mumbai: Implications for the Twenty – First Century” / 42nd Annual Conference of the Institute of Historical Studies, Kolkata held at Patkar – Vardhe College, S. V. Road, Goregaon (W), Mumbai – 400062 from November 30 to December 2, 2005. 18. “Model for Extension Education Learning System for the Indian Universities” (Co–authored) / UGC-National Seminar on “Involving Strategies for Extension Services of Universities in XI Five Year Plan”, held at the Department of Adult and Continuing Education, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India, during October 7 – 8, 2006 {E–Mail: acedn@rediffmail.com / bhaskarayerroju@rediffmail.com} 19. “Career Guidance for Equal Educational Opportunities” (Co–authored) / U. G. C. National Seminar on “Strategies for the involvement of Adult Education in Student Counselling and Career Guidance” held at the Department of Adult and Continuing Education, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India, during 7th and 8th December, 2006 (Email: acedn@rediffmail.com, bhaskarayerroju@rediffmail.com ) 20. “Popular Education for Social Change – Strategies Required” (Co–authored) / National Seminar on “Changing Trends in Adult & Continuing Education & Extension & Field Outreach – Present status and Future Perspectives” held at Department of Adult, Continuing Education & Extension & Field Outreach (ACEEFO), Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur (Andhra Pradesh)-522510, from December 15 – 16, 2006. 21. “Preparing Youth for Hotel / Hospitality Industry Career” (Co–authored) / National Seminar on “Role of University in Preparing Youth for Globalization”, Department of Adult, Continuing & Extension Education, DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur from March 29 – 30, 2007. 22. “Movement for Infant Mortality Reduction in North Carolina” / XXXI Indian Science Congress on Focal Theme “Peoples’ Struggles and Movements for Equitable Society” (organized by the Indian Academy of Social Sciences, Allahabad), SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai, from December 27 – 31, 2007. 23. “Youth Movement in Cambodia” / Second All India Young Scientists Convention-with focal theme “Youth Movement and Struggle for Equitable Society”, held at S. N. D. T. Women’s University, Mumbai, from December 27-31, 2007. 24. “Environmental Degradation in Cuba – A Case Study” / National Conference on Environmental Degradation & Remedies, Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities, M. M. Engineering College, M. M. University, Mullana-Ambala-133203 (Haryana), India, March 13-14, 2008. 25. “Management of Quality in Web – Based Distance Education Programme” / National Conference on Quality Assurance: Missions and Challenges Facing Open and Distance Learning in Dual Mode Universities, Institute of Distance Education, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India, 23 – 24, March, 2009. 26. “UNDP and Poverty Reduction Initiatives in India” / Seventh Conference of Indian Association for Social Sciences and Health, Organized by Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy (CSSEIP), Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, UP 221005 India, 5 - 7 March, 2010. (Abstract available on: http://www.iassh.org/sevenConf/oral/oral.htm) 27. “Sustainable Development in Developing Countries – Constraints, Challenges and Policy Options” (Co–authored)/National Seminar on Integrated Rural Development Management: Issues, Strategies and Policy Options, Integrated Rural Development and Management (IRDM) Faculty Centre, Ramkrishna Mission Vivekanand University, Ramkrishna Mission Ahrama, Narendrapur, Kolkata - 700103, West Bengal, India, 17 – 18, December, 2010. (Paper published on: http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/98255/2/Abstract_Proceeding.pdf) 28. “Brazilian Early Childhood Development Program” / National Seminar on Quality Dimensions of Early Childhood Care and Education: Concerns and Issues, Department of Education, Regional Institute of Education, NCERT, Sachivalaya Marg, Bhubaneswar, Odisa – 751022, India, November 24 – 25, 2011 (Website: www.riebbs.ori.nic.in, Email: riebbs@nic.in,riebbs@yahoo.in (Paper published in book form) 29. “Education for Sustainability – Framework for Action and Lessons Learned” / National Seminar on Skills Development and Life Long Learning, Department of Life Long Learning, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar – 522510, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, India, Email: profsyama@rediffmail.com, January 20-21, 2012. 30. “Ethical Issues in Management of Examinations” / National Seminar on Examination Reform in Secondary Education, Department of Education, North – Eastern Hill University, Tura Campus, Tura – 794002, Meghalaya, India, February 17 – 18, 2012. (Paper published in Seminar Proceeding). 14.2 International Seminars/Conferences/Symposia/Workshop: 1. “Critical Issues in Co – Operative Learning”/ International Conference on Collaborative and Networked Learning held at New Delhi from February 16 to 18, 1998/ Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi. {NOTE: Paper presented at the Conference is available on website: http:// www. India. Edu / ignouconf. {It is also under consideration for publication (along with other selected Conference papers) in a book form.} 2. “Management of Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health Program: Interventions Required”/ International Conference on Adolescent Reproductive Health: Evidence and Program Implications for South Asia held at Hotel Regent, Bandra, Mumbai from November 1 to 4, 2000/ Institute for Research in Reproduction (IRR), Mumbai (with support from Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility, and UNDP/ UNFPA/ WHO). 3. “Networking Mechanism for Furthering Continuing Education Within the University System - Experiences Learnt" (Co–authored)/ 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on 'Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning' held at School of Professional and Continuing Education (SPACE), the University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG (SPACE HKU) from May 21 - 23, 2002. (published on Web Site: http://www.hku.hk/space/events/asiapacific/abstract/B06.html) 4. “Significance of Street Food and Its Development in Thailand – A Case Study” / International Conference on ‘Food Tourism 2005’ held at National Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Telecom Nagar, Hyderabad from November 17 to 19, 2005. (Paper accepted for publication in book) 5. “Management of Quality in Open and Distance Learning /(Co- authored) / 3rd National Conference on Open and Distance Learning on “Culture of Excellence and Equity in Open and Distance Learning”, organized by the University of Philippines Open University from 23 – 24 February 2007 at Manila, Philippines. 6. “Good Practices in Service Quality in the Hospitality Sector–Case Study of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group” (Co–authored) / Pakistan’s 11th International Convention on Quality Improvement – ICQU, 2007 (organized by PIQC Institute of Quality Improvement, Lahore), Karachi, Pakistan, from November 26-27, 2007. 7. “An Investigation into Globalization and Uneven Urbanization in Africa”/accepted for presentation at the Sixth African Population Conference (Burkina Faso, during 5-9 December, 2011, hosted by the Government of Burkina Faso and the Union for African Population Studies) Note: Did not attend the Conference, but paper published on: http://uaps2011.princeton.edu/papers/111045 8. “Globalization and Developments in Environmental Statistics: Case Study of European Statistical System”/ accepted for presentation at the International Conference on Statistical Concepts and Methods for the Modern World, organized by the Applied Statistical Association of Sri Lanka (28-30 December 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka) Note: Did not attend the Conference, but paper published on: http://at.yorku.ca/cgi-bin/abstract/cbdh-78 9. “Fisheries and Poverty Reduction – Implications for Future Work Priorities” / IIFET 2012 Tanzania: Conference on “Visible Possibilities: The Economics of Sustainable Fisheries, Aquaculture and Seafood Trade”, the University of Dar es Salaam (www.udsm.ac.tz/) and the International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade (http://oregonstate.edu/dept/IIFET/), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, July 16-20, 2012. 10. “Promoting Health Literacy in Older Adults - Interventions Required” / Wisconsin Health Literacy Summit: Changing Systems, Changing Lives”, Madison, USA, April 08-10, 2013 (organizer: Wisconsin Literacy, Inc., 211 S. Paterson St., Suite 260, Madison, WI 53703, http://www.wisconsinliteracy.org/, Email: michele@wisconsinliteracy.org). 15. Publications: Section – I: Seminar/Conference Proceedings in Book Form, CD & Online: A. National Seminars and Conferences: 1. “Critical Issues in Educational Development” (Co–authored)/ First Asian Symposium – Conference on Basic Education for All by the Year 2000 held at Surat from June 19 to 23, 1991/ South Gujarat University, Surat. (Abstract) 2. “Preparing Youth for Hotel/Hospitality Industry Career” (Co–authored) / National Seminar on “Role of University in Preparing Youth for Globalization”, Department of Adult, Continuing & Extension Education, DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur from March 29–30, 2007. 3. “Movement for Infant Mortality Reduction in North Carolina” / XXXI Indian Science Congress on Focal Theme “Peoples’ Struggles and Movements for Equitable Society” (organized by the Indian Academy of Social Sciences, Allahabad), SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai, from December 27 – 31, 2007. (Abstract: http://sndt.digitaluniversity.ac/WebFiles/XXXI%20ISSC%20-%20Abstracts%20PART%20II%20page%20189-340.pdf) 4. “Environmental Degradation in Cuba – A Case Study” / National Conference on Environmental Degradation & Remedies, Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities, M. M. Engineering College, M. M. University, Mullana-Ambala-133203 (Haryana), India, March 13-14, 2008. (Full Paper) 5. “Management of Quality in Web – Based Distance Education Programme” / National Conference on Quality Assurance: Missions and Challenges Facing Open and Distance Learning in Dual Mode Universities, Institute of Distance Education, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India, 23 – 24, March, 2009. (Full Paper) 6. “Sustainable Development in Developing Countries – Constraints, Challenges and Policy Options” (Co–authored) / National Seminar on Integrated Rural Development Management: Issues, Strategies and Policy Options, Integrated Rural Development and Management (IRDM) Faculty Centre, Ramkrishna Mission Vivekanand University, Ramkrishna Mission Ahrama, Narendrapur, Kolkata - 700103, West Bengal, India, 17 – 18, December, 2010. (Full Paper: http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/98255/2/Abstract_Proceeding.pdf) 7. “Brazilian Early Childhood Development Program” / National Seminar on Quality Dimensions of Early Childhood Care and Education: Concerns and Issues, Department of Education, Regional Institute of Education, NCERT, Sachivalaya Marg, Bhubaneswar, Odisa – 751022, India, November 24 – 25, 2011 (Website: www.riebbs.ori.nic.in, Email: riebbs@nic.in,riebbs@yahoo.in (Full Paper) 8. “Ethical Issues in Management of Examinations” / National Seminar on Examination Reform in Secondary Education, Department of Education, North – Eastern Hill University, Tura Campus, Tura – 794002, Meghalaya, India, February 17 – 18, 2012. (Full Paper) B. International Seminars and Conferences: 1. “Critical Issues in Co – Operative Learning”/ International Conference on Collaborative and Networked Learning held at New Delhi from February 16 to 18, 1998/ Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi. {NOTE: Paper presented at the Conference is available on website: http:// www. India. Edu / ignouconf. (Abstract) 2. “Management of Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health Program: Interventions Required”/ International Conference on Adolescent Reproductive Health: Evidence and Program Implications for South Asia held at Hotel Regent, Bandra, Mumbai from November 1 to 4, 2000/ Institute for Research in Reproduction (IRR), Mumbai (with support from Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility, and UNDP/ UNFPA/ WHO). (Abstract) 3. “Networking Mechanism for Furthering Continuing Education Within the University System - Experiences Learnt" (Co – authored)/ 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on 'Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning' held at School of Professional and Continuing Education (SPACE), the University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG (SPACE HKU) from May 21 - 23, 2002. (Abstract: http://www.hku.hk/space/events/asiapacific/abstract/B06.html) 4. “Significance of Street Food and Its Development in Thailand – A Case Study” / International Conference on ‘Food Tourism 2005’ held at National Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Telecom Nagar, Hyderabad from November 17 to 19, 2005. (Full Paper) 5. “Management of Quality in Open and Distance Learning” /(Co- authored) / 3rd National Conference on Open and Distance Learning on “Culture of Excellence and Equity in Open and Distance Learning”, organized by the University of Philippines Open University from 23 – 24 February 2007 at Manila, Philippines. (Abstract) 6. “Good Practices in Service Quality in the Hospitality Sector – Case Study of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group” (Co–authored) / Pakistan’s 11th International Convention on Quality Improvement – ICQU, 2007 (organized by PIQC Institute of Quality Improvement, Lahore), Karachi, Pakistan, from November 26-27, 2007. (Abstract in Book and Full Paper in CD) 7. “An Investigation into Globalization and Uneven Urbanization in Africa”/accepted for presentation at the Sixth African Population Conference (Burkina Faso, during 5-9 December, 2011, hosted by the Government of Burkina Faso and the Union for African Population Studies) Note: Did not attend the Conference, but paper published on: http://uaps2011.princeton.edu/papers/111045 8. “Globalization and Developments in Environmental Statistics: Case Study of European Statistical System”/ accepted for presentation at the International Conference on Statistical Concepts and Methods for the Modern World, organized by the Applied Statistical Association of Sri Lanka (28-30 December 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka) Note: Did not attend the Conference, but paper published on: http://at.yorku.ca/cgi-bin/abstract/cbdh-78 9. “Fisheries and Poverty Reduction – Implications for Future Work Priorities” / IIFET 2012 Tanzania: Conference on “Visible Possibilities: The Economics of Sustainable Fisheries, Aquaculture and Seafood Trade”, the University of Dar es Salaam (www.udsm.ac.tz/) and the International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade (http://oregonstate.edu/dept/IIFET/), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, July 16-20, 2012. Section – II: Books/Booklets/Handbooks/Teaching-Learning Materials published by Department of Continuing & Adult Education & Extension Work, SNDT Women’s University: (Title of Publication/ /Year of publication/ Remarks, if any): 1. “Population Education Handbook for College Students (Part – I)” (Co–authored) / 1991/ Instructional book for college students about the scheme of population education at the college level (i. e., ‘Population Education Club’). (Publication details on: http://books.google.co.in/books/about/Population_Education_Handbook_for_Colleg.html?id=m1jMIgAACAAJ&redir_esc=y) 2. “Booklet on Demography for College Students (Part – II)” (Co–authored)”/ 1992/ Instructional book for college students about the study of population and demography. (Publication details on: http://books.google.co.in/books/about/Booklet_on_Demography_for_College_Studen.html?id=zLKpIQAACAAJ&redir_esc=y) 3. “Directory of Audio – Visual Materials on Population Education in Bombay”/ March, 1992/ Compilation of A. V. aids on subjects related to population education. 4. “Annotated Bibliography on Population Education Studies” (Co–authored)/ January, 2000 / Compilation of research studies on population education related topics completed by the students of SNDT Women’s University as a part of various courses (e. g., B. Sc. in Nursing, M. Phil., Ph. D., etc.). 5. “List of Audio–Visuals (Produced and Acquired)” (Co–authored) / February, 1998 (Second edition) / Content analysis of audio – visual materials produced and acquired from various national & international agencies. Section – III: Books: (Title of the Book / Publisher/Year of publication/ ISBN – ISSN Number): 1. “Population Education” (Book prepared on population education for the students doing B. A. through correspondence) / Department of Correspondence Courses and Distance Education, SNDT Women’s University, Santacruz, Mumbai, India / 1989. 2. “Developmental and Educational Communication” (Co-authored), Elite Academy, 84, Janmabhoomi Marg, Second Floor, Fort, Mumbai-400001, India / 2003. 3. “Home Science Extension Education” (Co-authored), Elite Academy, 84, Janmabhoomi Marg, Second Floor, Fort, Mumbai-400001, India / 2003. 4. “Non-Formal Education and Extension Education” (Co-authored), Elite Academy, 84, Janmabhoomi Marg, Second Floor, Fort, Mumbai-400001, India / 2003. Section – IV: Books Chapters: (Title of the Chapter/ Title of the Book / Publisher/Year of publication/ ISBN – ISSN Number): A. National Publications: 1. “Empowerment of Women Through Extension Education”/ Education and Women’s Empowerment/Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi, India / 1999 / IISBN No.: 81–7520 –042–1 2. “Women, Family Planning and Reproductive Health” (Co-authored) / Indian Society: Continuity Change and Development /Commonwealth Publishers, New Delhi, India / 2002 / ISBN No.: 8171696937. 3. “Urban Adult Education” (Co-authored)/ Current Trends in Adult Education / Sarup and Sons, New Delhi, India / 2006 / ISBN No.: 81-7625-619-6. (Book details on: http://books.google.co.in/books?id=RRwxDfRc894C&pg=PR13&lpg=PR13&dq=santosh+kumar+mishra+sndt+women%27s+university+mumbai+india&source=bl&ots=BVHuaAoyVF&sig=uOr1HnOTSGWTtx2epADpXkU8_To&hl=en&sa=X&ei=8AybUdWjHZCnrAev7ID4BQ&ved=0CD0Q6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=santosh%20kumar%20mishra%20sndt%20women%27s%20university%20mumbai%20india&f=false) 4. “Popular Education for Social Change” / Changing Trends in Adult Continuing Education and Extension and Field Outreach / Department of Adult Continuing Education and Extension and Field Outreach, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar – 522510, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, India / March 2007. 5. “Innovations and Opportunities in the Thai Agricultural Co-Operative in the 21st Century” / Science and Technology for Rural Development / The Associated Publishers, Ambala Cantt., India / 2009 / ISBN No.: 81–8429–094–2. B. International Publications: 1. “Quality Education for Children, Youth, and Adults through Mobile Learning” (http://www.igi-global.com/chapter/quality-education-children-youth-adults/74914) (pages 225-237) / Quality Education for Children, Youth, and Adults through Mobile Learning (Edited by: Jared Keengwe, University of North Dakota, USA) / IGI Global, 701 E. Chocolate Ave., Hershey, PA 17033, USA, Phone: 717-533-8845 x100, Toll Free: 1-866-342-6657 , Fax: 717-533-8661 or 717-533-7115, E-mail: cust@igi-global.com / February, 2013 / ISBN: 9781466629851 Section – V: Journal Articles/Papers (Title of the Article / Issue and Number / Month and Year / Name of the Journal / Publisher / ISBN – ISSN No.): A. National Journals: 1. “Empowerment of Women Through Extension Education”/ Volume XXIV, Number 21/May 27, 1991/University News/ Published by Association of Indian Universities (AIU), AIU House, 16, Kotla Marg, New Delhi–110002. Article subsequently republished thrice in journal/ book as per the details given below: a) “Kakatiya Journal of Distance Education–In Search of an Alternative Perspective”/Volume 1, Number 1/January 1992/ Journal published by School of Distance Learning & Continuing Education, Kakatiya University, Warangal–506009, A.P., India. b) “Souvenir”/ 1995/ Souvenir published in the year 1995 by SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai, to commemorate 25 years of National Service Scheme (NSS). c) “Education for Empowerment of Women” (Chapter contributed to the book entitled: “Education and Women’s Empowerment”)/ 1999/ Book published by Association of Indian Universities (AIU), AIU House, 16 Kotla Marg, New Delhi – 110002 / ISBN No.: 81–7520–042–1. 2. “Towards Effective Counselling in Distance Education”/Volume 1, Number 2/July–December, 1992/Kakatiya Journal of Distance Education In Search of an Alternative Perspective/ Journal published by School of Distance Learning & Continuing Education, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506009 (A. P.). 3. “Taking Family Planning to the Masses”/Volume 22, Number 3/ September, 1992/ Social Change–Issues and Perspectives/ Quarterly Journal published by Council for Social Development, Sangha Rachna, 53 Lodi Estate, New Delhi - 110003. 4. “Role of Counselling”/Issue XIII/ March 25, 1997/ Career Windows, Indian Express/ Indian Express is English daily newspaper published from Mumbai. 5. “Audio–Visual Aids for Sex Education” (Co–authored)/Volume XVII, Number 2–3/March–June, 1996/IUACE News/Journal published by Indian University Association for Continuing Education (IUACE), New Delhi. 6. “Career Avenues After School Education and Role of Counselling”/ Volume XXX, Number 1/ January – March, 2000/ New Frontiers in Education (NFE)/ International Journal of Education published by NFE Trust, New Delhi – 110058. 7. “Urban Adult Education–Issues for Concern” (Co–authored)/ Volume 61, Number 4/October–December, 2000/Indian Journal of Adult Education/Journal published by Indian Adult Education Association, New Delhi–110002, India. 8. “Adolescent Sexual Health and Role of Sex Education” (Co–authored)/Volume 5/June, 2001/News Bulletin/Bulletin published by Regional Documentation Centre, Population and Development Education, State Resource Centre (SRC), O. U. Road, Hyderabad – 500007, India. 9. “Role of Non–Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Population Education Programmes” (Co–authored)/Number 14/September, 2001/Indian Journal of Population Education/Journal published by National Documentation Centre on Literacy & Population Education, Indian Adult Education Association (EAEA), 17-B, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi – 110002. 10. “Country Experiences in Continuing Education Programmes” (Co–authored) Volume XXXI, Number 4 / October – December, 2001 / New Frontiers in Education (NFE)/International Journal of Education published by NFE Trust, New Delhi–110058, India. 11. “Skills in Designing and Conducting Continuing Education Courses and Programmes” (Co–authored)/Volume XXVI, Number 1/January 2002/Quest in Education/Journal published by Gandhi Shikshan Bhavan and Council for Basic Education, Juhu (North), Mumbai – 400049. 12. “Planning Distance Education Program for the Twenty–First Century” (Co–authored)/Volume: 7, No. 1 &2/January–December, 2002/Kakatiya Journal of Distance Education–In Search of an Alternative Perspective/Journal published by School of Distance Learning and Continuing Education, Kakatiya University, Warangal – 506009 (Andhra Pradesh, India). 13. “Experiments in University – ZEE Education Academic Linkage for promoting Continuing Education”(Co– authored)/ISSN: 0972 - 1231, Volume XXXII, No. 1, January - March, 2002/New Frontiers in Education (NFE)/International Journal of Education published by NFE Trust, New Delhi – 110058. 14. “Management of Non–Formal education Program in the Philippines” (Co–authored) / Vol. 19, No. 2, April 2003 (ISSN 0970 – 1575)/Perspectives in Education / Journal published by: Society for Educational Research & Development, Baroda – 39007 (Gujarat, India) 15. “Preparing for an Aging World – Issues & Implications for Policy and Research” (Co–authored)/Vol. XIII, No. 5, May 2003/In Quest of Bharteeya Shikshan/Bharteeya Shikshan Mandal Publication, Kandivli (W), Mumbai – 400067 (Maharashtra, India). 16. “International Perspectives in Distance Education Program and Role of Commonwealth of Learning” (Co–authored)/Vol. 13, No.: 1, 2003 /Communication/Centre of Distance Education, University of Kashmir, Srinagar. 17. “Human Rights and Environmental Protection” (Co–authored)/September, 2003/ Jan Saksharta (Journal of SRC for Adult Education) / State Resource Centre for Adult Education, Bhartiya Gramin Mahila Sangh, Mahalakshmi Nagar, Sector – R, Indore – 452010 (www.srcindore.org) 18. “Role of Information, Education and Communication in Population Programmes–Global Experiences Learned” (Co–authored)/March, 2004/Jan Saksharta (Journal of SRC for Adult Education)/State Resource Centre for Adult Education, Bhartiya Gramin Mahila Sangh, Mahalakshmi Nagar, Sector – R, Indore – 452010, India (www.srcindore.org) 19. “Population Education Programme for Rural Youth”/(Co–authored)/April–June, 2004/New Frontiers in Education /D. R. V. Printers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India / ISSN No.: 0972-1231. 20. “Canadian Approach to Sustainable Development” (Co–authored)/March, 2008/Jan Saksharta /State Resource Centre for Adult Education, Bhartiya Gramin Mahila Sangh, Mahalakshmi Nagar, Sector – R, Indore. 21. “Strategy for Sustainable Development in the 21st Century” (Co–authored)/Volume 17, March, 2008/Population and Development Education News Bulletin/Regional Documentation Centre, Population and Development Education, SRC, AMS Campus, Osmania University Road, Hyderabad (A.P.)–500007 (Email: apsrc_hyd@dataone.in) 22. “Lifelong Learning for the Third Age significance and Case Studies from the Selected Countries” /Volume 68, No. 1-2, January -June, 2007 / Indian Journal of Adult Education/Indian Adult Education Association, New Delhi. 23. “Empowerment of Women – Reflections from the Asia and the Pacific”/Volume 18, March, 2009 / Population & Development Education – News Bulletin / Regional Documentation Centre, Population & Development Education, SRC, AMS College Campus, O. U. Road, Hyderabad – 500007,A. P., India 24. “Strategy for Compilation of Environmental Information and Its Analysis in Nepal” (Co–authored), published by: eSocialSciences, IRIS Business Services (India) Pvt. Ltd., T-131, Tower 1, 3rd Floor, International Infotech Park, Vashi, Navi Mumbai - 400 703, India. Tel: +91 22 27814436, Email: editor@esocialsciences.com, Published on: http://www.esocialsciences.com/data/eSSResearchPapers/eSSWPArticle2008522133459.doc 25. “Global Discipline of Emergency Medicine from Public Health Perspective”, published in Indian Emergency Journal (ISSN–0976–1470), GVK Emergency Management and Research Institute, Devar Yamzal, Medchal Road, Secunderabad – 500 014. Andhra Pradesh, India, Email: info@emri.in / Volume-V, Issue-II, September, 2010, Published on: http://www.emri.in/content/view/218/199/ 26. “Community Colleges–Potentialities and Global Trends” (Co–authored/Jan Sakshtra, No, 03, December, 2010, State Resource Centre for Adult Education, Bhartiya Grameen Mahila Sangh, Mahalakshmi Nagar, Sector-R, Near Bombay Hospital, Ring Road, Indore-452010, M.P., India, Tel.: 91-731-2551917 Email: srcmpindore@gmail.com,http://www.accu.or.jp/litdbase/literacy/lrc/ind_in.htm 27. “An Insight into Linkages between Global Urbanization and Developmental Issues”/(Co–authored)/The Urban World (Quarterly Publication)/Vol. 04, No. 01, January-March, 2011, Regional Centre for Urban and Environmental Studies, All India Institute of Local Self-Government, M. N. Roy Human Development Campus, Plot No.: 06, ‘F’ Block, TPS Rd. No.: 12, Bldg. No.: 326, Bandra (E), Mumbai-400051, India, Tel.: 91-22-26573803, Email: dir.ruces@aiisng.org,rcuesaiilsg@yahoo.co.in,dg@aiisg.org, Web: www.aiilsg.org 28. “Care and Support Services for Aged in Australia” (Co–authored)/The Urban World (Quarterly Publication)/Vol. 04, No. 02, April-June, 2011, Regional Centre for Urban and Environmental Studies, All India Institute of Local Self-Government, M. N. Roy Human Development Campus, Plot No.: 06, ‘F’ Block, TPS Road No.: 12, Bldg. No.: 326, Bandra (E), Mumbai-400051, Maharashtra, India, Tel.: 0091-22-26573803, Email: dir.ruces@aiisng.org,rcuesaiilsg@yahoo.co.in,dg@aiisg.org (www.aiilsg.org) 29. “Researching Lifelong Learning Opportunities for Third Age Population” (Co–authored)/Quest in Education, ISSN No.: 0048 – 6434/Volume XXXVI, No.: 2, April, 2012 / Gandhi Shikshan Bhavan and Indian Council of Basic Education, Juhu (North), Mumbai – 400049, Maharashtra, India, Tell.: (022) 26200589, Fax: (022) 26706277, (http://journalseeker.researchbib.com/?issn=00486434), Email: gandhishikshanbhavan@mtnl.net.in B. International Journals: 1. “Environmental Concerns in Asia – Pacific Region” (Co–authored) /Volume 8, No. 2, December, 2008 / Asia – Pacific Social Science Review / De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines. (Published on Web Site: http://www.philjol.info/index.php/APSSR/article/view/787) / ISSN No.: 01198386. 2. “Innovations in Public-Private Partnership for E-Skills Development in the European Union”/October, 2011, Volume 13, Issue 4, ISSN No.: 1438-0625 / Technical Committee on Learning Technology (TCLT), University of Piraeus, 150 Androutsou Street, Piraeus GR-18352, Greece (http://www.ieeetclt.org/issues/october2011/IEEE-LT-Oct11.pdf) 3. “Policy Goals Pertaining to Gender Equity in Universities and Colleges” (in publication entitled “Women’s Studies Program Administrators’ Handbook”, Editor: Prof. Martha McCaughey, Appalachian State University, published for the National Women’s Studies Association, 7011 Balitimore Avenue, Suite 203 College Park, MD 20740, http://www.nwsa.org, Email: nwsaoffice@nwsa.org)/New Edition, 2006 / http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=santosh%20kumar%20mishra%2C%20sndt%20women%27s%20university&source=web&cd=37&ved=0CFUQFjAGOB4&url=http%3A%2F%2F082511c.membershipsoftware.org%2Ffiles%2FWSHandbook2006.pdf&ei=EUEmT8fSFYfsrAewvISvCA&usg=AFQjCNHsbCJicr17YHnBGwUcJNXmwAJexA&cad=rja 4. “Benefits of Yoga Practice in Aging Population”/International Scientific Yoga Journal, SENSE, ISSN No. 2217-804X (Printed edition), ISSN2217-8775 (Online)/2011, Vol. 1 (1), 361-369, 2011, Published by the International Society for Scientific Interdisciplinary Yoga Researches, http://www.yoga-science.rs/eng/sciarticles2011/21-santosh-kumar-mishra.pdf 5. “Rural Women Entrepreneurs in Latin America and the Caribbean” (Co–authored)/Volume 19, No.: 1, April, 2012/International Journal of Rural Studies (IJRS), International Task Force for the Rural Poor (INTAF) and Volunteers for Rural India (U. K.) , 12, Eastleigh Avenue, Harrow, Middlesex HA2, England, Phone: +44 (0)20 8864 4740, (http://www.vri-online.org.uk/ijrs/index.php, Email: jan_singh2002@yahoo.co.uk,enquiries@vri-online.org.uk) ISSN No.: 1023–2001. 6. “Development of Rural Women Micro-Entrepreneurs–Case Studies from Latin America and the Caribbean (Co–authored) / International Journal of Rural Studies (IJRS)/Volume 19, No.: 1, April, 2012 /(Published on: http://www.vri-online.org.uk/ijrs/April2012/Development%20of%20Rural%20Women%20Micro-Entrepreneurs%20in%20Latin%20America%20and%20the%20Caribbean.pdf) ISSN No.: 1023–2001 7. “Education for Sustainability: Framework for Action and Lessons Learned”(Co–authored)/ESD Newsletter/Volume 3, Number 2, May, 2012 / Manitoba Education (ISSN No.: 1234-1234), 1567 Dublin Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3E 3J5, Telephone: 204-945-1924, Email: carolee.buckler@gov.mb.ca (Available on web link: http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/esd/pdfs/newsletter_v3n2.pdf) 8. “Food, Cuisine & Culinary History of Goa, India”/Food Travel News (Culinary Tourism Industry News) / 9 May 2012/ International Culinary Tourism Association, Email: news@culinarytourism.org,erik@culinarytourism.org 9. “Agricultural Education for Sustainable Rural Development in Developing Countries: Challenges and Policy Options” (Co–authored)/Volume 6, Number 2, May, 2012/Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn) (ISSN No.: 2089-9823)/ Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Email: edulearn@journal.uad.ac.id, didaktika.uad@gmail.com (Available on web link:http://journal.uad.ac.id/index.php/EduLearn/article/view/302/0) 10. “Framework for sustainable development education and lessons learned”/Vol. 4(5), pp. 57 -67, November 2012 (DOI: 10.5897/JABSD11.043, ISSN No.: 2141-2340 ©2012 Academic Journals) / Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology and Sustainable Development (5170-00200, Nairobi 73023 Victoria Island, Lagos, Email: service@academicjournals.org (Available on web link: http://www.academicjournals.org/JABSD/PDF/pdf2012/November/Mishra.pdf, http://www.academicjournals.org/JABSD) 11. “Emerging Technology in Urban Areas of Developing Countries for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Reuse”/ 6 (3): 91-99/ 2012/Global Journal of Environmental Research (International Digital Organization for Scientific Information, P.O. Box 40468, Deira, Dubai, UAE, E-mail: idosi@idosi.orgidosi.editor@gmail.com,idosi_editor@yahoo.com) Available on web link: http://idosi.org/gjer/gjer6%283%2912/3.pdf) 12. “An insight into environmental laws in Canada” (DOI: 10.5897/AJEST11.392, pp. 104-111 (Co–authored) / Volume 7 (4), April, 2013/African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (ISSN No.:1996 – 0786))/5170-00200, Nairobi 73023 Victoria Island, Lagos, Email: ajest@academicjournals.org, helpdesk@academicjournals.org (Web link: http://www.academicjournals.org/ajest/contents/2013/Apr.htm) Section– VI: Monograph (Published by Population Education Resource Centre, Department of Continuing & Adult Education and Extension Work, S. N. D. T. Women’s University, Mumbai, India): (Title of the Monograph/Year of Publication): 1. “Growing Population and Changing Social Behaviour” (Co–authored)/ 1993 (Publication available with the Library of the SNDTWU). 2. “Women and Health: The Challenges Ahead” (Co–authored) / 1993 (Publication available with the Library of the SNDTWU). Section– VII: Publications by other organizations: 1. “Critical Issues in Empowerment of Women – With Special Reference to India” (with case studies of selected countries) (Co–authored) / Mahila Youth Congress (E), Bombay Regional Congress Committee (BRCC), Mumbai/ November, 1993. 2. “Resource Book for Workshop on the Prevention of Child Prostitution & Rehabilitation” (Co–authored)/Department of Women and Child Welfare, Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai / 1996 / Reading material prepared for the participants of the Workshop held on November 17, 1996. 16. Highlights of the major work done during the present employment: Prepared reports of: (a) Proceedings of seminars, workshops, training/orientation programmes and other similar activities; (b) Regular population education programmes (preparation and compilation of quarterly, half - yearly, annual and five- year reports of PERC); and (c) Research studies. Prepared background note/reading materials for various training/orientation programmes. Proof reading and editing of a number of reports, materials for newsletters, and other documents. Involved in preparing and administering monitoring/evaluation schedules in population education at the college level. Assisted in organizing orientation/training programs, conferences, etc. Collected and compiled data and population education information (on different aspects) for various purposes. Involved in dissemination of population education data/information to individuals and institutions (e. g., universities, colleges, NGOs, and other educational/ research / welfare agencies) through: (a) “Population Education News”: quarterly publication of PERC, SNDTWU); and (b) “Population Education Corner”: Dissemination cell (at the university level) of the PERC of SNDTWU and universities in its service area (Maharashtra and Goa) Lectured on population education to the students of B. Sc. in Nursing (L.T. College of Nursing, SNDT Women's University). Coding of research schedules. Experience of collection of primary data for following studies / projects: (a) Data on population education collected from slum community at Mumbai (to know knowledge and awareness level of population issues) for preparing project report for Post Master’s Diploma in Adult and Continuing Education (1988). (b) Data on socio – economic indicators collected from men and women of Nagaon village (to know various problems faced by the villagers) for preparing survey report (June, 1992). (c) Data on literacy test and programme management collected from men & women and various categories of personnel of literacy programme (to know extent of achievement of the literacy project and to suggest strategic measures for enhancing programme effectiveness) for preparing review report. One of the team members for preparing teaching – learning/ reading materials for following major programmes: a) “Training Programme for College Teachers – in – Charge of Population Education Clubs” (Osmania University, Hyderabad, August 8 to 9, 1988). b) “National Level Workshop on Population Education for Priority – Target Group Women” (SNDTWU, Mumbai, May 10 to 12, 1990). Involved in monitoring and evaluation of population education programmes (offered through Population Education Clubs) at colleges in Andhtra Pradesh State, India. Conduct of evaluation (to get feedback of students about courses offered by the DCAEEW, SNDTWU) and preparation of evaluation report (since 2010 on regular basis). Note: Courses include: a) PG Diploma in Travel and Tourism, b) Master of Social Work, c) M. A. in Non-Formal Education, and d) Diploma in Interior Designing. 17. Rappoteur for Seminars/Workshops/Conferences: “National Level Training Workshop for PERC under UGC - UNFPA Project” (SNDTWU, Mumbai, October 8 to 12, 1987). “National Level Summer Institute in Population Education for Teachers Teaching Population Education at the Under Graduate Level” (SNDTWU, Mumbai, January 3 to 16, 1990). “National Level Seminar on Para Legal Training for Women’s Organizations” (SNDTWU, Mumbai, September 24 to 26, 1991). “Workshop on Refining and Adapting Teachers Training Manual on Preventive education Against HIV/ AIDS” (SNDTWU, Mumbai, March 27 to 30, 2001). “Orientation Training in Family Life Education” (Counselling & Guidance Centre, Women Graduate Union & the Family Planning Association of India, Mumbai, November 9 to 10, 2004). “National Workshop on Lifelong Learning – Possibilities and Prospects” (SNDTWU, Mumbai, September 23 – 25, 2010). “National Level Workshop on Fieldwork Components in Lifelong Learning” (SNDTWU, Mumbai, March 15- 16, 2012). 18. Rappoteur for Meetings (writing minutes of the meeting): Meeting (Diploma in Balwadi/Crèche Teacher Training Course, English/Marathi Medium), DCAEEW, SNDTWU, Mumbai, March 18, 2013. Meeting (Post Graduate Diploma in Pre-School Teacher Education/ Management of Learning Disabilities/Early Childhood Education, English/Marathi Medium), DCAEEW, SNDTWU, Mumbai, May 07, 2013. 19. Work done for other organizations: Prepared report of activities of Madhuban Rural Development Project on request from the Rural Communes (a Mumbai- based NGO). Involved in preparation of course material on “Child Bearing Decisions and Family Planning Education” for Tata Institute of Social Sciences (Deemed University), Mumbai. 20. Experience of conducting examination as per the following details: (a) Invigilator for Maharashtra State Eligibility Test (Eligibility Test for Lectureship - conducted by University of Pune as State Agency), held at S. N. D. T. Women's University, Mumbai on February 25, 2001. (b) Invigilator for annual examination of ZEE (a media channel with educational setting) - conducted by the Dept. of Continuing & Adult Education & Ext. Work of S. N. D. T. Women's University - held at (i) Satna (in Madhya Pradesh State) in June, 2001 and (ii) Surat (in Gujarat State) in June, 2002. (c) Invigilator for bank examination (Vashi, Navi Mumbai, August 12, 2012). 21. Special Achievements: Awarded with Government of India Fellowship at the International Institute for Population Sciences (Deemed University), 1986-1987. Guest Speaker at the Pakistan’s 11th International Convention on Quality Improvement-ICQU, 2007 (organized by PIQC Institute of Quality Improvement, Lahore), Karachi, Pakistan, November 26-27, 2007. Awarded Norad grant for attending the IIFET’s 16th Biennial conference, IIFET 2012 Tanzania (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, July 16-20, 2012). Moderator for National Conference on Environmental Degradation & Remedies, Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities, M. M. Engineering College, M. M. University, Mullana-Ambala-133203 (Haryana), India, March 13-14, 2008. Moderator (for the Session: 32D: Environment, Natural Disasters, and Recovery) at the IIFET 2012 Tanzania (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, July 16-20, 2012). Attended “5th European Policy Conference” (Stockholm, Sweden, 18-19, October, 2012, (http://www.eurocare.org/newsroom/newsletter/issue_6_2012/upcoming_events/fifth_european_alcohol_policy_conference_18_19_october_2012_stockholm_sweden). Awarded travel grants for attending “5th European Policy Conference” (Stockholm, Sweden, 18-19, October, 2012), sponsored by the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Sweden. Awarded scholarship for attending Wisconsin Health Literacy Summit: Changing Systems, Changing Lives”, Madison, USA, April 08-10, 2013 (organizer: Wisconsin Literacy, Inc., 211 S. Paterson St., Suite 260, Madison, WI 53703, http://www.wisconsinliteracy.org/, Email: michele@wisconsinliteracy.org). 22. Association with Professional Bodies: Editorial Board member for Population Education News (For Private Circulation) (Quarterly Newsletter brought out by the PERC, DCAEEEW, SNDTWU, Mumbai) Note: Newsletter discontinued. Editorial Board member for the year 2002 – 2003 (Elected by Indian University Association for Continuing Education, New Delhi in its meeting held at Osmania University, Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh, India) on 9th April, 2000). Life Member of Indian Association for Social Sciences and Health [IASSH - a Chapter of the Asia Pacific Network (APNET)], http://www.iassh.org/index.htm Advisory Board Member (May, 2012), American Academic & Scholarly Research Center (Seattle, WA, United States, Phone: (206) 337-4064, Email: editor@aasrc.org, http://aasrc.org/?page_id=38) Team Member (since May 19, 2013) of Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (Via Ceglie, 9 - 70010 Valenzano (BA) - Italy, Tel. +39/080/4606207 - 4606209 - 4606111 - Telefax +39/080/4606206, http://agora.medspring.eu/en/user,http://agora.medspring.eu/en/user/673/edit?pass-reset-token=eJw1uzTShH6wJlEqgNAqeEJGWVbQrDTQJrsffHx_2lI, Email: medspring@iamb.it) Reviewer–cum–International Advisory Board Member (Since May, 2013), AASRC 2013 International Conference – Beirut, Lebanon, organized by: AASRC (American Academic & Scholarly Research Center), LLC, Delaware, USA, http://aasrc.org/conference/?page_id=803 23. Additional Information: o Author and Discussant (Environmental Sustainability-Choices for theFuture),http://www.brsa.org.bd/PRSCO/papers/Environment%20Studies%20I/005_SantoshMishra.pdf o Invitation to attend and present paper [entitled “Challenges and Opportunities for Economic Integration in the Caribbean Community (CARICOM)”] at Caribbean Conference: 50-50 – Surveying the Past, Mapping the Future (21-23 March, 2012), Web link: http://www.ucciconference.ky/bios/santosh_mishra.php