Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
Chemical Oceanography
Francisco's current research interests are focused on the dynamics of coastal, estuarine and nearshore systems, with emphasis in biogeochemistry of coastal sediments, eutrophication impacts, the contribution of sediment biocomplexity to ecosystem processes, and the bay-scale assessment of sediment quality and benthic processes (upscaling and prediction).
Spatio-temporal variability in his research cover daily to seasonal, and meter to kilometer scales (e.g. bay or estuary). Research tools include in-situ measurement of benthic rate processes, benthic habitat mapping, and modelling of early diagenetic processes and benthic fluxes, in both steady-state and time-dependent simulations.
Sea regions of study
North Atlantic Ocean
South Pacific Ocean
Ecosystem and diagenetic modelling. Benthic ecology. Aquatic contamination. Sediment quality assessment.