Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
Marine and Coastal Engineering
1. Research related to marine sciences and oceanography, impact of climate change on coastal ecosystem services and marine biodiversity, spatial analysis and land use planning on land-sea interface and resource economics.
2.Teaching and other academic activities to undergrad and graduate students.
Sea regions of study
Bay of Bengal
Indian Ocean
1. Environmental project management
2. Integrated coastal management
3. Marine and coastal ecosystem and biodiversity researches
4. Ecosystem services
5. As researcher, I am responsible to write scientific paper - presenting in seminars and publish them on journals, member of research and scientific group, lecturing or supervising undergraduate and graduate students, meeting or sharing information and knowledge with related institution, etc.
Current project: Scoping Study on
Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) Course in Bangladesh for Capacity
Development under Mangroves for the Future of IUCN Bangladesh.
I am also enthusiastic to learn the experiences from international communities about the coastal management and planning issues in terms of capacity building and sustainable resource management.