I am currently (since 2015) the Vice Chair of SCOR Working Group 145 "Chemical Speciation Modelling in Seawater to Meet 21st Century Needs". Our aim is to develop a comprehensive chemical speciation model of seawater and related natural waters, and also the buffer solutions used to calibrate instruments used to measure marine pH. This model will be based upon the Pitzer equations for activity coefficients and other thermodynamic properties. This is one of my main areas of expertise.
I am working with national metrology institutes in 3 countries who are making new laboratory measurements as an essential contribution to the model development for the pH buffers, and linked to a 3 year project funded by NERC in the UK and NSF in the USA.
I have previously developed a chemical speciation models, including gas/liquid/solid partitioning, for atmospheric scientists, which can be found here: My current interests in atmospheric science are focused on water uptake by natural aerosols (including the seasalt aerosols that are generated by the oceans).
Solution chemistry, equilibrium chemical thermodynamics, chemical speciation in natural waters, Pitzer models, computation of thermodynamic properties of aqueous solutions for applications in marine and atmospheric science and in chemical engineering.