Persistent Digital Identifiers (UIDs)
Subject Area
Marine Geology, Geophysics
1. Supervise and analysis of the daily shift of earthquakes monitoring and explosions from cement quarry.
2. Operating and monitoring strong motion Nile Delta network
3. Teaching seismology and advanced seismology courses at geology department at Alexandria city
4. Trainer for ARCGIS mapping software
5. Tsunami modelling
6. study of paleotsunami deposits
Sea regions of study
Mediterranean Sea - Eastern Basin
-April 2004 Software and hardware computer maintenance course at R.I.T.C
-24 December 2005 to 1 Feb.2006 AUTOCAD course at national planning institute 60 hours
-13 to 17 Jan., 2008 Web Page design at leadership development center
12 April, 2009 to 16 May 2009 PreIBT at AMIDEAST courses 42 –training hours
-1 to 12 Nov. 2009 Accesses Data base course at leadership development center
-4 October 2011 to 24 Nov. 2011 Toefl preparation course at Mansoura University
-1 week Presentation IBT prepare course
International courses
-15 April to 14 June 2013
Assessment and management of geological and climate related risk
courses, organized by the University of Geneva in Switzerland , CERG-C
to 23 December 2013 School on Earthquake and Tsunami Hazard and
Risk" at USTHB, Algiers, Algeria and the framework of NEGET activities,
organized by ICTP.
-17 May 2016 Statistique lexicale avec Iramuteq (initiation) ( 6hours), URFIST de Strasbourg, France
-30 May 2016 Personnaliser un style bibliographique Zotero (ou Mendeley) ( 3 hours)
-31 May 2016 Ecosystème de la recherché (6 hours) URFIST de Strasbourg, France
December 2016 Le plan de gestion de données de la recherche :
contexte, enjeux et études de cas, URFIST de Strasbourg, France
-05 December 2016 Atelier word (2 hours), URFIST de Strasbourg, France
-07 December 2016 Les bases du Web of Science (3 hours), URFIST de Strasbourg, France
-09 December 2016 Introduction to R (English session) (6 hours), URFIST de Strasbourg, France
December 2016 Organiser ses idées et représenter les connaissances :
les a touts des cartes heuristiques, (6 hours) URFIST de Strasbourg,
2008 Schelemberger (Ves) electric profiles in factory in Alexandria for groundwater detection
2012 Seismic refraction profiles in Bolaza city in Sinai to construct of future new million city in north Sinai).
2015 Borehole (VSP) vertical seismic profiles for building new electricity station the new administrator capital city for Egypt.
2014-2016 IMHOTEP bilateral Egypt – France project ‘’ Paleotsunami and Seismic hazard assessment in northern Egypt’’
2017 Seismic reflection profiles in archeological EL Baron Palace too detect tunnels.
October 2018 to Jan. 2019 Geotechnical study include seismic refraction profiles for subsurface structure at new capital administrative city
26 April, 2018 2nd African seismological commission organized by Al Hoceima university, Morocco participated with oral
October 2018 Participated with oral title ‘’ The impact of tsunamis on the African coastlines ‘’ at International Conference on the East African rift system at Daar EL Salam Tanzania