Persistent Digital Identifiers (UIDs)
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
Research Secretary of the ESCM, with duties including
academic management and support to teaching and research activities,
co-ordination of meetings and conference calls, preparation of agendas and
follow-up actions, allocation of reasearch funds, management of visits of
external speakers or visitors, coordination of resource management,
contribution to research activities and report preparation, briefing papers,
presentations. Management and coordination of international meetings on Marine
and Freshwater Invasive Species. Member of reaserch groups based at the School
of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires and the
Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences in the area of aquatic biology. Member of
the biodiversity chapter of the Pampa Azul initiative. Head of the Biology
Section of the Servicio de Hidrografía Naval since 1991. Ample experience in
face-to-face and remote teaching of various subjects in the area of
hydrobiology. Author of numerous meting presentations and research and popular
papers on marine and freshwater organisms, invasive species, hull-fouling and
ballast water as vectors of bioinvasions, impacts of invasive species, oceanic