Persistent Digital Identifiers (UIDs)
ResearcherID :
Job Type
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
Policy, Law, Economics, Management
Professor Alexander
Turra holds an undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences (1994) and both Masters
(1998) and PhD degrees (2003) in Ecology from the Campinas State University
(UNICAMP). He founded the NGO Instituto Costa Brasilis in 2005, acting as it’s President
until 2006. In 2006, he assumed the position of assistant professor of Integrated
Coastal Management at the Oceanographic Institute of São Paulo University,
becoming an associate professor in 2015. Turra work cover a range of different
areas of marine science including governance, management and conservation,
environmental impact assessment, climate change, marine litter and ecology. His
research interests also include investigations into the links between science
and public policy and the monitoring of environmental quality. As a result of his
intense research activity, he has published numerous scientific papers, books
and chapters across different branches of marine science. He has also participated
in several committees and/or processes including: Climate Network of the Brazilian
Ministry of Science and Technology and Science (2009-), Sub-Global Assessment
Network (2009-), Ad hoc Advisory Group Ocean Sciences Section of the Inter-governmental
Oceanographic Commission (IOC/UNESCO) Medium Term Strategy (2012), GESAMP
Working Group 40 examining the “Sources, fate and effects of microplastics in
the marine environment – a global assessment” (2012-), Integrative Group of the
Coastal Management Program in the Inter-ministry Commission for the Resources
of the Sea (2012-), Pool of Experts of the Regular Process for Global Reporting
and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, including Socio-economic
Aspects (2014-), Environmental Assessment Group of the Brazilian Antarctic
Program (2014-), Advisory Group of the Study on Marine Plastic Debris and
Microplastics at UNEP (UNEA-2) (2015-), and Council of the Brazilian Coastal
and Marine Protected Areas (GEF-Mar Project; 2017-). Turra national and
international leadership and interdisciplinary approach has also led to
participation and organization of relevant scientific meetings, including the
5th Brazilian Oceanography Symposium (Santos, Brazil/2011), the 2nd
International Ocean Research Conference (Barcelona, Spain/2014), the Third
International Symposium on the Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans
(Santos, Brazil/2015), and the VII International Sandy Beach Symposium
(Ilhabela, Brazil/2015), as well as the coordination of research
projects/networks, such as the Brazilian Coastal Benthic Habitat Monitoring
Network (2010-) and the Biota/Fapesp-Araçá Project (2012-2017). The Springer
Series on Brazilian Marine Biodiversity represents an effort to integrate
researchers and information on the structure, functioning and threats facing marine
habitats to an international readership
Climate Changes
Participatory assessment and planning
Ecosystem-Based Approach
Environmental Monitoring
Marine Ecology
Marine Litter
Sandy Beaches
Working language(s)