Job Type
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
Ana Branco Barbosa graduated in Marine
Biology and Fisheries in 1989 and obtained a PhD in Marine Sciences (Oceanography)
in 2006, both at University of Algarve (UAlg), where she has been lecturing for
the last 30 years. Currently, she is Associated Professor at the
Faculty of Sciences and Technology (UAlg) and a member of the Center of Marine
and Environmental Research (CIMA-UAlg). She has lectured undergraduate and
post-graduate courses in the areas of biological oceanography, marine
microbiology, and dynamics of marine ecosystems. She is a member of the
Coordinating Committee of the BSc programs in Marine Biology (UAlg),
and was Director of this BSc, during ca. 10 years. She also participated in several
academic juries of PhD, MSc, and graduation degrees. She has been developing
research in Microbial Oceanography and Ecosystem Dynamics, and her major
research interests include the regulation of planktonic communities and effects
of natural and anthropogenic-induced ecosystem changes. She has been involved
in 22 national and international research projects, being principal investigator
or institutional coordinator in four projects. She has supervised one post-doctoral
fellow, six doctoral thesis (two concluded), 12 master thesis, nine graduate interns, and 33
undergraduate and master students during final degree projects and internships.
She has presented ca. 90 communications (oral and poster) in international
conferences. She has published 41 peer-reviewed articles, six book chapters,
and edited a book on Zooplankton Ecology (Scopus H-index of 21). She has interacted with the Working Group on Phytoplankton and Microbial Ecology,
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES WGPME), since 2012,
and is co-responsible for the Guadiana Upper Estuary marine ecological time
series database. She is a reviewer for 27 indexed-scientific journals, and evaluator of international grant and research project proposals (IFS, CNPQ, MOST, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche).
Working language(s)