Persistent Digital Identifiers (UIDs)
Subject Area
Climatology, Meteorology
Physical Oceanography
• Investigating air-sea interaction on mesoscale oceanic features related to fisheries, i.e., upwelling, mesoscale eddies, and thermal front, in Indonesian Seas and surroundings, from seasonal to interannual timescale, as well as the long-term trend, using complex statistical analysis and ocean-atmosphere coupled model experiments.
• Developing a web-based decision support system in the maritime sector, DSS SEMAR (Sistem Embaran MARitim – Maritime Information System).
• Interpreting ocean data using MATLAB to conduct monthly studies on climate variability in Indonesia and its surroundings.
Sea regions of study
Malacca Strait
South China Sea
Indian Ocean
Sulu Sea
Celebes Sea
Molukka Sea
Halamahera Sea
Ceram Sea
Banda Sea
Arafura Sea
Timor Sea
Flores Sea
Makassar Strait
Java Sea
Savu Sea
I have an advanced understanding and skill in
basic oceanographic data, as well as ocean data formats such as NetCDF and
Grib. From my undergraduate study until now, in my professional works, I have
examined ocean and atmospheric data, mostly in NetCDF data format, for my
research. Furthermore, I have experience giving lectures and workshops on
oceanographic data processing and analysis, using MATLAB and Python, for intern
students in my institution and occasionally invited to their campus. In
addition, I also have developed Python-based software to automatically download
and processes the marine and atmospheric data from Copernicus Marine Service
and Climate Store, called MATSWAPATI (Granted Copyright No. EC00202238353).
Currently, I am developing a Python package for climate-related data analysis
called cdtPy - Climate Data Tools for Python