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Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
I am young lecturer at the
University of Bangka Belitung who has background in mangrove ecology and
Mapping. When I was College S1 at the University of Bangka Belitung, I was
already interested in learning about mangrove ecology. The tittle of my research
S1 is a Degradation of Mangrove cover and density at North Mendanau Coastal and
Batu Dinding Island in Belitung Regency, Bangka Belitung Archipelago. I
continued my master’s education at Marine Science Department of Bogor
Agricultural University. My focused area was marine biology (mangrove ecology
and biota assosiaton), I was also try studied mapping tools. I am so happy and
enjoy if idid research intend to Mangrove ecology at the Bangka Belitung. For
your information, On April 2019, I had the opportunity to attend/follow in
Mangrove Competency Training (Monitoring of mangrove community) in
collaboration between BRIN with RTRC Marbest as well as take part in mangrove
community asessor certification. I got new knowledge with using hemispherical
photography. This knowledge (method of assessing mangrove communities)
applicated for each my project and conducted my research as well as teach my
students at University of Bangka Belitung. In 2020, I was participated ESA
Training Program from Prof. Suhyb Salama (ITC, Netherland), In 2021, I was
participant Acessor Competency Training and got to certificate Acessor from
National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP Indonesia). Bangka Belitung is
a archipelago province in Indonesia which has the higher marine biodiversity
especially ecosystem mangrove. Mangrove community provide ecosystem service
including as a spawning ground, feeding ground and nursery ground, production
primer, nutrient cycle, protecting area from beach abration and supporting
seagras ecosystems and coral reef ecosytems. In Bangka Belitung Island has a
unique place where encounter many threats mainly from the tin mining
activities. Based on study case in Bangka Belitung Fenomena, I Think I need
Ocean Modelling Competency for improving my research Quality in Marine Science.
Furthermore I Apply Ocean Expert to allow "Ocean Model Configuration for