Job Type
Data Management
Institutional Management
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
Marine and Coastal Engineering
Policy, Law, Economics, Management
Dr. Marcos Sommer's research is situated at the marine science-policy interface and focuses on understanding the dynamics between social, economic and environmental dimensions in marine sustainable development. This approach takes shape in the following ways: 1) assessing cumulative anthropogenic impacts on the environment and understanding the consequences for people; 2) identifying priority actions and policy plans to achieve specific sustainable development goals (in particular, the Sustainable Development Goals); 3) understanding risk and uncertainty in marine sustainability policy and management.
Los retos de una gestión inteligente y sostenible del océano exigen reforzar nuestras capacidades para producir y transferir conocimientos aplicados a la toma de decisiones. El Decenio ofrece un marco único para el trabajo colaborativo y coordinado, como para lograr el océano que necesitamos para el futuro que queremos.
Working language(s)
The United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development is a unique opportunity to engage the ocean science community in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals - globally, regionally and locally.