Highest Degree
Bachelor of Science in Biology
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
MSc Marine Biology (track: Science, Business & Policy)
I am currently in the second year of my master's degree. During the first year, I completed courses on marine biology, biological oceanography, marine conservation, population genetics and bioinformatics as well as my first research project linked to seagrass restoration in the Netherlands. During the first half of the second year, I completed two courses, Introduction to Science & Business and Introduction to Science & Policy respectively, with group work aiming to integrate these fields and provide advice on real-world projects of external collaborators of the university. From February until August 2024, I will do a six-month internship (Science Advising) at the European Marine Board Secretariat working on the interface between marine science and policy.
Previous projects/experience:
- Bachelor thesis (NKUA, Athens, Greece) : Digestive efficiency of an endemic lizard species (P. milensis)
- Erasmus Traineeship (ICVS, Minho, Portugal) : Studying the role of GR signaling in stress-driven Tau Pathology
- Research Internship (Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation, Samos, Greece): Marine Mammal Research and Conservation Team, Bioacoustics and analysis of the soundscape in the Aegean Sea
Very interested in interdisciplinary projects contributing to a real-world impact in marine conservation ecology.