Highest Degree
Ph.D., 1978, Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Job Type
Technical Advice & Consulting
Subject Area
Marine Geology
I am presently studying sedimentation processes and patterns in several marine and fresh water environments. I am particularly interested in the use of high-resolution methods, including geophysical techniques (side-scan sonar, seismic profiling, physical property analysis, and high-resolution bathymetry), photography, submersible studies and sediment analysis, to provide new insights into sedimentary processes. My current research includes sedimentation patterns in modern environments (including the Great Lakes, the Hudson River, and local estuaries), the structure and evolution of sedimentary bodies on the continental margin, and new methods of rapid sediment characterization.
multibeam bathymetry and backscatter,
side-scan sonar,
seismic profiling,
benthic habitat mapping and characterization,
marine archaeology,
coastal flooding & sea-level rise