Job Type
Data Management
Natural Resource Management
Operational Support (technical)
Decision Making & Policy
Technical Advice & Consulting
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
Climatology, Meteorology
Fisheries, Aquaculture
Policy, Law, Economics, Management
Research Support Services
I have professional experience in the review of the Biennial Update Reports for non-annex 1 parties, and the biennial Update Reports in the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the UNFCCC for parties to the Paris Agreement. Also, over the years I have developed professional experience from international development acquired from the various positions and roles held at the Responsible Fisheries Business Chains Project including internship, project assistant, and several other competencies executed as a consultant in project management, monitoring and evaluation.
I have also developed and acquired skills in project management, monitoring and evaluation for wildlife conservation with WildTeam UK.
I am a science communicator with training from, with quantitative, geospatial, and qualitative data collection and analysis techniques/experience.
Working language(s)