My research activities revolved around the use of remote sensing in oceanography to determine the existing relationships between physical and biological processes. In particular, I used data from the NOAA weather satellites to measure sea surface temperatures as an indicator of physical processes (currents, upwellings, etc.) and ocean color data (SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS) to measure chlorophyll concentration and evaluate phytoplankton productivity. My work was conducted in the Quebec coastal waters (St. Lawrence estuary and gulf) and in the canadian arctic (Hudson Bay, Baffin Bay, Beaufort Sea). Because the optical properties of these areas are complex, there a continous need to participate to oceanographic campains (NOW, CASES, Arcticnet, IPY) to validate the remote sensing data. These projects weresupported by the IML remote sensing laboratory which operated receiving stations allowing a complete coverage of the canadian coastal waters.
Remote sensing of ocean color and sea surface temperature
Relationships between biological and physical process