Persistent Digital Identifiers (UIDs)
Subject Area
Chemical Oceanography
Marine and Coastal Engineering
Physical Oceanography
EuroGOOS SAWG, CoastalWG, BOOS Chair, Chair of BOOS DA WG and Marine Plastic WG, Executive Committee member in CoastPrediction, OceanPrediction-N.Atlantic, E4OD. Ongoing EU projects: CMEMS BALMFC Phase 2, EDITO Model Lab, OLAMUR, FRONTEX pan-EU Sea metocean forecast service, JERICO-S3, FOCCUS etc. Finished projects: EMOD-PACE, CLAIM, JERICO-DS, JERICO, EuroSea, MyOcean, OPEC, Baltic-Sea CheckPoint, BALMFC-Phase 1, MyOcean-FO, MyOcean, ECOOP, BOOS4GMES, DevcoCast, MERSEA, YEOS, ODON, PAPA etc.
Sea regions of study
North Sea
North Atlantic Ocean
Baltic Sea
Optimal design of observation systems, operational ocean and wave modelling, data assimilation, regional marine climate change, marine ecological modelling, marine service