Job Type
Natural Resource Management
Decision Making & Policy
Technical Advice & Consulting
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
Fisheries, Aquaculture
Marine Geology, Geophysics
Research Support Services
I have a broad range of experience in the management of natural resources, landscape restoration, agriculture, wetlands management and conservation, GIS and remote sensing, data analysis, peace and conflict resolution, preservation, and research projects with an emphasis on water quality, aquatic system management, and the effects of climate change on marine ecosystems. Through advocacy for policies, conservation education, and conservation projects, I am passionate about preserving the natural world and preserving threatened species. I have delivered superior research services in collaboration with government agencies, religious institutions, and International, regional, national, and local NGOs.
• Experienced in coordinating consortium, forums, working groups and project management.
• Skilled and excellent in quantitative and qualitative multi-research methods.
• Knowledgeable on contemporary issues in Natural Resources sectors.
• Capable in writing policy briefs and reports, and lobbying decision-making.
• Experienced in engaging multiple stakeholders including donors, private sectors, and governments, the public and non-state actors.
• Experienced in using data management systems like SAP, data analysis softwares in GIS and remote sensing such as QGIS, ArcMap, R, Erdas, Envi, Ilwis, data collection tools such as ODK and GPS and statistical analysis using SPSS.
• Skilled in Microsoft Office suite including Word, Excel, Outlook, Power Point and Access.
• Strong documentation and report writing skills.
• Valid driving license.
• Comprehensive skills of using tablets and other electronics for data entry.
• Efficient in GIS and Remote Sensing.