I'm a Physical Oceanographer and Post-doctoral Researcher at the
“Laboratory de physique de l’Atmosphère et de l’ocean Simeon Fongang
(Dakar)”. my PhD research focuses on the dynamical functioning
of the West African upwelling system with a focus on the circulation in
the eastern tropical north Atlantic off West Africa.
In my post-doctral research I explore the role
of the ocean current on regional/local climate modulation, particularly
the role of the West African Boundary Current (WABC) as a determinant
of Senegalese atmospheric and oceanic conditions on hot days which
presents significant risks to public health and marine ecosystems. This research aims to contribute to a better prediction of extreme hot days
in present conditions and a better anticipation of how their statistics
will be impacted by climate change and help pave the way for
policy-makers for adaptation to future conditions.