I am a geographer at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, and how much a Diploma in Development and Regional Management in Metropolitan Areas in the University of Chile in conjunction with the Universities of Dresden and Dortmund, and a specialization in Release and transfers of pollutants in the International Centre for Science and High Technology - United Nations Industrial Development Organization (ICS-UNIDO) in Trieste, Italy.
He has 19 years of experience in the environmental field public before the National Environmental Commission and currently Head of the Department of Statistics and Environmental Information, Division of Environmental Information and Economics Ministry of the Environment.
He has been responsible for the design and implementation of the National Register of Pollutant Release and Transfer. Among the major achievements include its incorporation as a permanent function of the Ministry of Environment and development of its Regulations, which enshrined the creation of one-stop statement, and new obligations for industrial and municipal sector.
Finally, is currently involved in developing the Green Tax Regulations, the Partnership for Market Readiness project for a carbon market, and the system design Extended Producer Responsibility.