DBCP Task Team on Moored Buoys (TT-MB)

Terms of Reference
(as adopted at DBCP-XXXVIII)

The DBCP Task Team on Moored Buoys shall:

1. Review and document operational moored buoy systems and their underlying requirements;
2. Liaise with the different communities deploying moorings, including TIP, OceanSITES, seabed observatories, as well as national moored buoy programmes (coastal and global), and promote the development of multi-disciplinary mooring systems;
3. Liaise with the GOOS Steering Committee (GSC) and its technical panels to facilitate synergy between advances in GOOS implementation and the development of operational capabilities, in particular, for sustained coastal observations, analysis and related services by using mooring systems;
4. Liaise with the   DBCP Task Teams and other related expert groups of marine services regarding the need for in situ wave observations;
5. Liaise with the DBCP Task Team on Data Management and other related expert groups regarding establishing and maintaining data and metadata standards to meet user requirements;
6. Liaise with the DBCP Task Team on Environmental Stewardship to promote technologies and practices that reduce the environmental impact of moored buoy operations;
7. Compile information on opportunities for the deployment and / or servicing of moored buoys;
8. Maintain a list of points of contact for moored buoy operators to serve as a network to facilitate international cooperation and communication of significant relevant information to operational moored buoy programs and requests for emergency ship operations such as recovery of drifting moorings;
9. Monitor technological developments for moored data buoys Best Practices and Buoy Technological Developments;
10. Review all relevant WMO and IOC Publications on Instrument Best Practices (e.g., INFCOM) to make sure they are kept up to date, address WIGOS issues, and comply with Quality Management terminology;
11. Provide the DBCP Executive Board or the DBCP with technical advice needed for developing moored buoy programmes, including the issues above; and
12. Report to the DBCP Executive Board and the DBCP at its annual Sessions, with periodically updated Workplans supporting implementation.


The membership is decided at Panel Sessions and is open to all Panel members.

Name Group Role Country (worklocation) FirstName
Name Group Role Country (worklocation) FirstName