Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP)

Terms of Reference:
(Annex to Resolution 3 (JCOMM-4))

Existing Terms of Reference for the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP), the Tropical Moored Buoy Implementation Panel (TIP) and action groups. The DBCP terms of reference will be kept under review by the panel, with any changes proposed to be considered by the Management Committee, with a view to their approval by the co-presidents on behalf of the Commission.
General Membership:

      • Open membership, comprising existing DBCP members, action groups, TIP.

      • JCOMMOPS will participate in the work and the meetings of the Team.

Terms of Reference:
(as approved by the JCOMM Co-Presidents on behalf of the Commission, 24 July 2012, per Resolution 3 (JCOMM-4))

The Data Buoy Co-operation Panel shall:

Consider the expressed needs of the international meteorological and oceanographic communities for real-time or archival data from ocean-data buoys on the high seas, as well as rigs and platforms reporting surface marine meteorological and oceanographic data and request action from its members, the Technical Co-ordinator or Action Groups to meet these needs;

1. Co-ordinate activity on existing programmes so as to optimize the provision and timely receipt of good quality data and metadata from them;

2. Propose, organize and implement, through the co-ordination of national contributions, the expansion of existing programmes or the creation of new ones to supply such data;

3. Support and organize as appropriate such Action Groups as may be necessary to implement the deployment of data gathering buoys to meet the expressed needs of oceanographic and meteorological programmes such as WWW, WCRP, GOOS, GCOS, GFCS, WIS, and WIGOS;

4. Encourage the initiation of national contributions to data buoy programmes from countries which do not make them;

5. Promote data exchange, including the insertion of all available and relevant platform data and metadata into the Global Telecommunication System, and the submission of data and metadata to the appropriate archives;

6. Promote the exchange of information on data buoy activities and encourage the development and transfer of appropriate technology;

7. Ensure that other bodies actively involved in buoy use are informed of the workings of the Panel and encourage, as appropriate, their participation in the Panel deliberations;

8. Make and regularly review arrangements to secure the services of a Technical Co-ordinator with the terms of reference given in Part B;

9. Report formally to the Joint WMO / IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM), and participate in and contribute to an integrated global operational ocean observing system, implemented and co-ordinated through JCOMM; and

10. Submit annually to the Executive Councils of the WMO and the IOC, to JCOMM and to other appropriate bodies of WMO and IOC, a report that shall include summaries of the existing and planned buoy deployments and data flow.

Also see the key contacts on the DBCP website.

Learn more about the DBCP

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NameGroup RoleCountry (worklocation)