DBCP Working Group on data buoy Vandalism

This group was established by the DBCP at its 26th Session with the primary objective of ensuring the continued attention within the DBCP, WMO and IOC to the subject of buoy vandalism and to the discovery, sharing and promotion of counter-vandalism best practices throughout the international buoy operator community. The objectives of the working group are:

  1. to share lessons learned in counter vandalism efforts among buoy network operators;

  2. to facilitate a conversation among buoy operators on counter vandalism approaches; including technical, educational, operational, and enforcement approaches;

  3. to facilitate a conversation on the development of best practices to mature the various methodologies used to quantify the impacts of buoy vandalism; and

  4. to serve as a communication channel within the DBCP for further information requests on the subject of vandalism following the release of the WMO vandalism report.

Name Group Role Country (worklocation) FirstName
Name Group Role Country (worklocation) FirstName