[RESCHEDULED] Fifty-third Session of the IOC Executive Council
EC-53 [Rescheduled to 3-9 February 2021]
30 June - 03 July 2020
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO
7, place de Fontenoy
75732 Paris cedex 07
Organiser(s) & Staff
In the present health crisis, the IOC Chairperson consulted Member States on his proposal to postpone the session to a later date (yet to be determined) through IOC Circular Letter 2799 dated 3 April. At the date of 3 May, Member States’ responses indicated full support of the proposed postponement of the EC-53 session. A Roadmap document proposing methodologies for advancing the work in the intersessional period is being prepared based on the Provisional Action Paper for the session and will be shared shortly through a new Circular Letter from the Chairperson, as well as published on this web-site. These methodologies will include consultation by correspondence, continuation of the work of the Intersessional Financial Advisory Group (IFAG) and communication through online means. The registration platform for the session is currently closed.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
IOC/INF-1315 | Revised Guidelines for the Preparation and Consideration of Draft Resolutions | 18/05/2022 |
IOC/INF-1315 Add. | Draft Resolution Submission Form (IOC) | 18/05/2022 |
List of current States members of the IOC Executive Council, 2023-2025 (40) | 18/02/2025 |
CL-2799 | The 53rd Session of the IOC Executive Council | 08/04/2020 |
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Created at 10:46 on 13 Jan 2020 by Albert Fischer
Last Updated at 11:59 on 13 Jan 2021 by Patrice Boned