European Conference of Aix-Marseille university: Protect our oceans, the challenge of europe's global leadership
16 June 2021
Organizer & Staff
By invitation only.

Understanding past, present and future human impacts on the global ocean is vital for the future of humanity. Climate change, the overexploitation of marine ecosystem services and the dispersal of contaminants have already resulted in irreversible changes, threatening marine life and beyond.
There is an urgent need to fill outstanding knowledge gaps and to turn the challenges identified by the scientific community into transformative and decisive political action It is Europe's ambition to take on global leadership in tackling ocean challenges. Sustained and innovative ocean science will set the base for informed policy design and in monitoring the progress of EU initiatives. In the wake of the 2021 World Oceans Day, this conference will be a contribution to the attainment of EU Goals, including the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 14.
Leading scientists from Aix-Marseille University, Europe and beyond, will present their contribution along with stakeholders and EU decision-makers.
-Tackling marine ecosystem disturbance caused by climate-change: During this sequence, scientists will review the impact of climate change on the diversity and functioning of marine species and ecosystems. Panellists will discuss the extent to which our current production and consumption systems are leading towards a sixth mass extinction, if immediate and ambitious actions are not taken.
-The challenge of contaminant dispersal: The second session will debate the role of known and emerging contaminants in threatening marine ecosystems and food safety. Panellists will evaluate the effectiveness of past initiatives to reduce marine pollution, define critical knowledge gaps and discuss urgent policy actions to achieve a clean ocean.
In both parts, invited EU and international leaders, in dialogue with scientists, will discuss recent developments in intergovernmental negotiations carried out in the context of the United Nations and reflect on the role of science and innovation in scaling up ambitious solutions, through notably EU policy and funding programmes. The need for a robust science/policy interface is a topical and crucial challenge that will be stressed throughout the conference.
The detailed programme of the conference will be published at the end of March 2021. Register now to receive the detailed program and all the news related to the conference.
More details online.
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[View a printable participants list]
Name | Country |
ABDELAZIZ Mohamed | Egypt |
MIAH Md. Ilias | Bangladesh |
SCHWEIZER Ellen | Germany |
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 6
Confirmed: 0
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 6
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 19:23 on 08 Feb 2021 by Vinicius Lindoso
Last Updated at 16:21 on 09 Feb 2021 by Vinicius Lindoso