Thirty Eighth Session of the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel
01 - 04 November 2022
World Meteorological Organization
Case Postale 2300
CH-1211 Geneva
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
DBCP Executive Board met on 31 October, Jura 7, WMO HQs, Geneva, Switzerland.
DBCP-38 will take place at Room C1, from 1 - 4 November 2022, everyday 0900--1700CET.
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[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
DBCP-38 | DBCP-38 Session report | 17/03/2023 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
1 | DBCP-38 | DBCP-38 Chair opening | 01/11/22 |
1 | DBCP-38 | DBCP-38 OCG chair opening | 01/11/22 |
12.1 | DBCP-38/12.1 | The DBCP strategy - its first year of implementation | 04/11/22 |
12.2.1 | DBCP-38/Doc.12 | Decisions of WMO | 01/11/22 |
12.2.1 | DBCP-38/Doc.12.1 | DBCP-38-GOOS Today: Building a fit-for-purpose global ocean observing system | 04/11/22 |
12.2.2 | DBCP-38/Doc.12.2.2 | DBCP-38/Doc.12.2.2 WMO Data Policy | 04/11/22 |
12.3 | DBCP-38/Doc.12.3 | DBCP-38 OCG Special Session presentation | 03/11/22 |
13.1 | DBCP-38 | DBCP-38/Doc.13.1 Financial Report | 01/11/22 |
17 | DBCP-38/Doc.17 | Closing Remark | 04/11/22 |
2 | 14/03/25 |
2 | DBCP-38 | Provisional Agenda of DBCP-38 | 08/09/22 |
4 | DBCP-38/Doc.4 | DBCP-38 Doc.4 Getting to know the DBCP | 02/11/22 |
5.2 | DBCP-38/Doc. 5.2 | Forum for Dialogue with Industry: How can Industry, Science, and Government TOGETHER advance Ocean Observing for 2030 | 02/11/22 |
5.3 | DBCP-38/Doc 5.3 | Outcomes of the EOI on Deploying Wave drifter | 02/11/22 |
6 | DBCP-38 | DBCP and OceanOPS report | 02/11/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR-Chile | 19/09/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR-El Salvador | 19/09/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR-New Zealand | 19/09/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR- Barbados | 19/09/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR-Sweden | 23/09/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR-Japan | 23/09/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR-HKO-China | 23/09/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR-Republic of Korea | 26/09/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR-Solomon Islands | 26/09/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR-Ecuador | 28/09/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR-Italy | 30/09/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR-Colombia | 10/10/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR-Argentina | 06/10/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR-Spain | 06/10/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR-USA | 20/10/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR-Guatemala | 06/10/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR-Suriname | 06/10/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR-Peru | 06/10/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR- Brazil | 11/10/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR-Portugal | 11/10/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR- Canada | 18/10/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR UK | 19/10/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR-Australia | 21/10/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR-China | 26/10/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR-Russian Federation | 31/10/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR-Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | 31/10/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR: Kuwait | 01/11/22 |
7 | DBCP-38-NR | DBCP-38-NR-South Africa | 02/11/22 |
8.1 | DBCP-38 AG | DBCP-38 GDP | 26/10/22 |
8.1 | DBCP-38 GDP | DBCP-38 GDP | 25/10/22 |
8.2 | DBCP-38/Doc.8.2 | DBCP-38-AG-Report-IABP | 02/11/22 |
8.3 | DBCP-38/Doc.8.3 | DBCP-38-AG-Report-IPAB | 02/11/22 |
8.4 | DBCP-38 AG | DBCP-38: AG-IPBIO | 31/10/22 |
8.6 | DBCP-38 AG | DBCP-38: AG-NPDBAP | 31/10/22 |
9.1 | DBCP-38 TT | DBCP-38 TT-Data management | 01/11/22 |
9.1 | DBCP-38 TT ppt | DBCP-38 TT-Data Management | 03/11/22 |
9.2 | DBCP-38 TT | DBCP-38 TT-MB | 31/10/22 |
9.2 | DBCP-38/Doc.9.2 | DBCP-38/Doc.9.2 TT-MB presentation | 03/11/22 |
9.3 | DBCP-38 TT | DBCP-38 TT-Wave Measurements | 26/10/22 |
9.3 | DBCP-38/Doc.9.3 | DBCP-38/Doc.9.3 TT-Wave Measurements Presentation | 03/11/22 |
9.4 | DBCP-38/Doc.9.4 | DBCP-38/Doc.9.4 TT-CB presentation | 03/11/22 |
9.4 | DBCP-38 TT | DBCP-38 TT-Environmental Stewardship | 03/11/22 |
9.5 | DBCP-38/Doc.9.5 | DBCP-38-TT-ES presentation | 03/11/22 |
9.6 | DBCP-38 | DBCP-38 Vandalism NDBC | 27/10/22 |
9.7(1) | DBCP-38 GDAC | DBCP-38 GDAC MEDS report | 24/10/22 |
9.7(1) | DBCP-38 GDAC | DBCP-38 GDAC MEDS | 03/11/22 |
9.7(2) | DBCP-38 GDAC | DBCP-38 GDAC Coriolis | 24/10/22 |
9.7(2) | DBCP-38 TT | DBCP-38: GDAC Coriolis | 03/11/22 |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
DBCP-38 INF5_ S&T | DBCP-38 Science and Technology Workshop | 09/08/2022 |
DBCP-38 INF | Application form for Requesting Travel Funds to Attend DBCP-38 | 29/07/2022 |
DBCP-38 INF1 | DBCP-38 Documentation Plan | 08/09/2022 |
DBCP-38 INF8 | DBCP-38-Action Group Report Template | 25/08/2022 |
DBCP-38 INF | DBCP-38 Buoy Vandalism Report Template | 28/07/2022 |
DBCP-38 INF9 | DBCP-38 Document Template | 25/08/2022 |
DBCP-38 INF | DBCP-38 invitation letters from WMO and IOC | 09/08/2022 |
DBCP-38 INF7 | DBCP-38 National Reports Template -FINAL | 25/08/2022 |
DBCP-38 INF | DBCP-38 Local Information | 28/10/2022 |
DBCP-38 INF7 | DBCP-38 National Reports (word document) Template | 25/08/2022 |
DBCP-38 INF | ToR DBCP Executive Board per DBCP-37 | 23/09/2022 |
DBCP-38 INF | DBCP-38 Timetable (hybrid meeting) | 03/11/2022 |
DBCP-38 | DBCP-38 background image | 31/10/2022 |
There are 171 participants associated with Thirty Eighth Session of the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel .
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 171
Confirmed: 171
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): GOOS Official meeting
Created at 15:53 on 18 May 2022 by Long Jiang
Last Updated at 10:14 on 17 Feb 2023 by Sofie de Baenst