IOC/OTGA/BMKG: Training Course on the Implementation of Satellite Altimetry Data for Operational Metocean Services: Wave Height and Sea Surface Height [Blended]
Training Course
17 September - 15 November 2024
Organiser(s) & Staff
Attendance by application.
Course description
As low-lying and archipelagic countries located on the maritime continent, the WMO RA V member countries (Southwest Pacific) are vulnerable to climate change and strongly influenced by the various ocean-atmosphere interactions and variabilities. Natural disasters such as cyclones, coastal floods, storm surges, and tsunamis, occur every year and frequently impact coastal areas. Infrastructures are destroyed, and economic opportunities and livelihoods are disrupted or lost with each new disaster. To mitigate the risks posed by these disasters, National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) need to be able to provide accurate early warning information to stakeholders.
Considering the importance of developing the capacity and skills of marine weather forecasters, BMKG collaborates with OTGA and WMO in conducting a related training program titled Training Course on the Implementation of Satellite Altimetry Data for Operational Metocean Services: Wave Height and Sea Surface Height (SSH). The training course program will be conducted in blended learning, which combines online and face-to-face/classroom modes.
The goal of this course is to enable participants to apply advanced satellite oceanography technology for marine meteorological services, specifically concentrating on the precise assessment of wave height and sea surface height in their respective countries.
The program will focus on utilizing satellite technology to enhance the accuracy of wave height and sea surface height in marine services. Several types of satellite altimetry data will be explored. By the utilization of satellite altimetry data, the forecasted wave height output from Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) will be verified. The course will also examine using various satellite observations to monitor significant wave height, sea surface height, and sea level rise. Throughout the course, trainees will have the opportunity to develop their skills in satellite data processing, interpretation, analysis, and visualization. Hands-on training activities will provide cutting-edge data processing techniques, and participants will gain the scientific expertise needed to derive accurate insights, enhancing their capabilities to contribute effectively to marine meteorological services.
Course content
Performance criteria to be addressed by the training according to the WMO Competency Framework for Marine Weather Forecasters are:
- Analyze and monitor the marine weather situation continually;
- Forecast marine weather phenomena, variables, and parameters;
- Warn of hazardous marine meteorological phenomena;
- Ensure the quality of marine meteorological information and services;
- Communicate meteorological information to internal and external users.
Additionally, according to WMO Guidelines on Satellite Skills and Knowledge for Operational Meteorologists, the performance criteria of marine weather forecasters in satellite application is to identify and interpret oceanic and water features and systems relevant to marine meteorological observation, which can be described, as follows:
- Identify and interpret sea-state data and relate these to wave heights.
- Identify and describe sea conditions in relation to sea surface height.
- Identify sea-level rise and sea-level anomaly based on satellite data.
1. Interaction of Ocean Parameter and Atmosphere
2: Basic principles of ocean remote sensing
3. Basic knowledge of satellite altimetry
4. Processing of satellite altimetry data
5. Interpretation of satellite altimetry products
The course will be conducted in online phase prior to on-campus phase. The on-campus phase will be conducted in the Regional Training Centre Facilities of BMKG in Citeko, West Java, Indonesia.
Course information
The course will be conducted on the OTGA platform for online training ( and include activities such as reading materials, distribution/ repository, quizzes, forum discussions, and assignments. Then, the on-campus phase will be implemented in the Regional Training Center Facilities in Citeko, West Java and in BMKG Hedquarters in Jakarta, Indonesia..
Learning activities
The major learning activities that will be included are Lectures, Discussions, Case studies, Coaching, Hands-on, Exercise and Action Plan.
Learning Outcomes
Desired learning outcomes of Training Course on the Implementation of Satellite Altimetry Data for Operational Metocean Services, written as measurable learning objectives as follows:
- Understand the basic principle of ocean remote sensing
- Understand the basic knowledge of satellite altimetry
- Able to operate the processing stage of satellite altimetry
- Able to interpret the satellite altimetry products.
- Able to demonstrate the study case presented during the hands-on
Upon completion of the course, participants are enabled to apply advanced satellite oceanography technology for marine meteorological services, specifically concentrating on the precise assessment of wave height and sea surface height in their respective countries. Through hands-on training in cutting-edge data processing techniques, participants will gain the scientific expertise needed to derive accurate insights, enhancing their capabilities to contribute effectively to marine meteorological services.
Target audience
The primary audience will be Meteorologists, Oceanographers, and Researchers from WMO RA II countries* and WMO RA V countries* . Participants have at least a bachelor's degree or have an equivalent level of academic background. They are expected to have basic knowledge and skills of meteorological marine weather forecasting, fundamental python and basic oceanography. Preference will be given to young scientists and early career ocean professionals and have sufficient command of spoken and written English.
* WMO RA II countries: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, China, India, Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea (Republic of), Kuwait, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam
* WMO RA V countries: Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Fiji, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Philippines (cooperates with RA II and RA V), Singapore, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu, Samoa
Language of instruction English
Instructors and trainers are BMKG’s experienced meteorologists or oceanographers specialized and experienced in satellite oceanography altimetry proven by resume or product portfolio.
- Dr. Furqan Alfahmi
- Samuel Radityo Adiprabowo
- Suwignyo Prasetyo
- Nurul Tazaroh
- Maya Erica Br Sinurat
- Richard Mahendra Putra
- Rion Suaib Salman
- Desak Made Pera Rosita Dewi
Course dates
Online Phase :17-21 September 2024 -Synchronous: 3 learning hours/day at 02.00 UTC. Participant’s attendance is mandatory in each Synchronous session.
On-Campus Phase: 11-15 November 2024
learning assessment
Learning assessment in the online phase will be done through, but not limited to, pre-test, quizzes, forum discussions and post-test.
In on-campus phase, initial assessment will be done through each participant's country report presentation to assess the NMHS’s capacity in satellite implementation dedicated to marine services. For formative evaluation, some quizzes and/or assignments, case studies, and discussions will be used during online, classroom sessions, and/or utilizing a learning management system or other interactive learning tools. As a summative assessment, participants will have to write an action plan on how they will implement the satellite data and products in their NMHS operational marine weather services and a report following a timeline of the proposed action plan
certificate will be issued if participants meets the criteria of:
present in all online and onsite session/class
completed minimum 90% of all the assignments
- complete the online feedback survey
Required technology
- Jupyter Notebook or Visual Code Studio software
- Basic Python programming skill is required
The online phase will serve as pre course. 20 best participants from online phase will follow the on-campus phase.
Application process
A limited number of seats are available. Please complete the online application form available on this LINK. The applications start on Thursday 1 August 2024. The deadline to submit the application is Sunday 18 August 2024 (23:59 CEST: Central European Summer Time).
UNESCO is committed to promoting equal access principles. Applications from minority or underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged.
The applicant should be nominated by the Permanent Representative of WMO in his/her country;
online course : free of charge
Financial support for the onsite part is available in a limited amount. Participants from Least-Developed Countries (LDCs) especially in Asia and Pacific are prioritized (gender balance also be considered). Self sponsorship is encouraged.
- OTGA secretariat:
- Training center: Ratih Prasetya: and Anni Arumsari:
Cancellation policy
In the event of cancellation of the course by the OTGA or its affiliates, we will provide notification of cancellation at least 7 days prior to the course date. In the event of cancellation by the attendee, we should receive notification of cancellation at least 7 days prior to the course date.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
There are 44 participants associated with IOC/OTGA/BMKG: Training Course on the Implementation of Satellite Altimetry Data for Operational Metocean Services: Wave Height and Sea Surface Height [Blended] .
Name | Country |
ADIPRABOWO Samuel | Indonesia |
ALFAHMI, M.SI Furqon | Indonesia |
FITRIANY Anni | Indonesia |
PRASETYA Ratih | Indonesia |
PRASETYO Suwignyo | Indonesia |
PURWANTI yuliana | Indonesia |
PUTRA Richard | Indonesia |
ROSITA DEWI Desak Made | Indonesia |
SALMAN Rion | Indonesia |
SINURAT Maya | Indonesia |
TAZAROH Nurul | Indonesia |
Name | Country |
AL-DARAJI Dr.Forqan | Iraq |
ATIKA Syafira | Indonesia |
BANTAY Kristine | Philippines |
BLANCHE Jayra Emeryl | Philippines |
EBOLO NKONGO Victor | Cameroon |
GIBLIN Judith | Fiji |
KONAMAURI Lenny | Solomon Islands |
KOROBOV Petr | Russian Federation |
LINH Tran | Viet Nam |
MAHMUD Nadim | Bangladesh |
MARGONARI Liliana | Argentina |
MOHD YUSOP Syazwani | Malaysia |
MOROWA Mathew | Papua New Guinea |
MUNA Lency | New Caledonia |
NGUYEN Tuan | Viet Nam |
NWE Shwe | Myanmar |
ONYANGO Winnie | Japan |
OY Thaily | Cambodia |
PARASAPPAGOL Vishal | India |
QORDOWI Wasfi | Indonesia |
ROPEREZ Jaya | Philippines |
SARANGI Sudhakar | India |
SIERVO Ashley | Philippines |
SOARES DA FONSECA Joviano | Timor-Leste |
TAKEIFANGA Taniela | Tonga |
TAULAKI Petelo | Tonga |
TOALIU McGregor | Vanuatu |
TURJO Khandaker | Bangladesh |
UCHAVO Erzidio | Mozambique |
YELTAY Aizat | Kazakhstan |
ZAINAB Syeda | Pakistan |
Name | Country |
PRATAMA Khafid | Indonesia |
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 44
Confirmed: 44
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): OceanTeacher Training course
Created at 12:53 on 23 Jul 2024 by Sofie de Baenst
Last Updated at 14:31 on 04 Mar 2025 by Mithona Prak