Persistent Digital Identifiers (UIDs)
Highest Degree
PhD in Biological Sciences
I am working at the Instituto de
Diversidad y Ecología Animal (IDEA), Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales
“Bernardino Rivadavia” and Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Técninca (CONICET), as
a member of the Ichthyology Project of Instituto Antártico Argentino. In 2015, I graduated as Biologist at the
National University of Córdoba, Argentina. In 2016, I started my PhD career in
Antarctic Ichthyology at the Ichyiology Division of the Instituto Antartico
Argentino and finished it in 2020. Our research group studies fish species that
belong to the endemic Antarctic Suborder Notothenioidei at the South Shetland
Islands and West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP). The group has been dealing with
different aspects of their ecology for several years. My PhD (PhD CONICET
fellowship) main topic was “Reproductive biology of Notothenioidei (Pisces,
Perciformes) from South Shetland Islands, Antarctica”. The main objective of my PhD research was to
elucidate Notothenioidei reproductive biology from a macroscopic and histologic
approach. Currently, I am performing physiological assessments to deepen this
fish group reproductive features and thus understand and predict changes in
their reproductive pattern as response to future global warming scenarios.
Moreover, as part of my postdoctoral research (CONICET fellowship), I am
performing ecotoxicological assessments not only to detect the presence of
emergent pollutant in coastal waters of the WAP, but also to evaluate the
effect of these compounds on fish biological and behavioural features.
Sea regions of study
South Atlantic Ocean
Southern Ocean