Persistent Digital Identifiers (UIDs)
Highest Degree
MSc Marine Ressourses Management
Job Type
Technical Advice & Consulting
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
IMOS/AODN Data Uplift manager
IMOS/AODN Great Barrier Reef Data Management System. Project Lead
Coordinator of the Center for Marine Biodiversity at Simón Bolívar University.
Associate Professor of the Dept. Environmental Studies, Univ. Simón Bolívar, Venezuela.
Associate researcher of the Institute of Technology and Marine Sciences at Univ. Simón Bolívar.
Currently at Integrated Marine Observing System IMOIS at the University of Tasmania. Program Leader: IMOS Reef Data Services & Infrastructure
Member of the OBIS SG group and Executive Committee
Member of the Caribbean Marine Atlas -2 Steering Group
Coordinator of the Caribbean OBIS Node
Resource Person for the CBD in their EBSA and SOI processes
Member of the Pole to Pole MBON network
Coordinator of
Implementing data systems for marine data. Research on ecology of tropical marine ecosystems and biodiversity, Coastal oceanographic processes specially coastal upwelling using remote sensing technologies. Marine
ecology and biodiversity, environmental
impact assessment, and environmental baseline studies, with
extensive use of statistical/numerical methods for the analysis of
ecological data. Experience with time series analysis (time and
frequency domains) for meteorological, oceanographic, and remote sensing data for
environmental impact assessments
and baseline studies.